日期:2015-08-31 08:53



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She talks about ____ .

a) coffee

b) bread

2) She mentions _____ noodles.

a) fish

b) beef

3) Food is spicier in the ____ .

a) north

b) south


Topic:Does your country have good cuisine?

I'm from Vietnam, and my question is: does Vietnam have good cuisine?

I would say that Vietnam has really good cuisine and it's very famous all over the world. We have pho which is beef noodle soup, and we have banh mi which is Vietnamese Baguette but overall we have different food and different tastes in different regions. For example, in the middle we have really spicy food, whereas in the south we eat really .. it's kind of sweet, but overall what Vietnamese cuisine strives for is a balance in the taste. We have sometimes really salty with the taste of fish sauce but it's a little bit sweet with all the herbs and ingredients.


b b a
