日期:2015-12-09 09:21


Answer the following questions about the video.
1) Now she watches ____ TV .
a) little
b) a lot of
2) Now she has ____ choices.
a) too many
b) not many
3) She likes sitting and relaxing in ____ .
a) Japan
b) Canada

Topic:How much TV do you watch?
Hi, my name is Shalini and I'm from Canada. How much TV do I watch?
It depends actually. Living abroad, I live in Japan right now, I don't actually watch that much TV, because it's cable TV and the shows are often repeated and the same kind of shows so you don't have that much choice, so although it is relaxing after work, I try not to watch too much. I'd rather go out and do an activity. However, when I come home from vacation and go back to Canada I love sitting on the couch and watching old favorites or what's new and just relaxing, so I'd say maybe I watch about a couple hours a day.
Otherwise though I do like watching movies.

a b b
