Chinese government is poised to conduct its first national survey of pollution sources in February to help control environmental deterioration in the country.
中国政府将于今年2月进行首次全国污染源调查,以帮助控制中国的环境恶化 。
The study will identify and collect data on sources of industrial, agricultural and residential pollution for two months.
这项研究将在两个月内确定和收集工业、农业和住宅污染源的数据 。
Last year, China's environment was facing a grave situation, with several major rivers and lakes clogged by industrial waste.
去年,中国的环境面临着严峻的形势,一些主要河流和湖泊被工业废料堵塞 。
China's environmental cleanup is compromised by more than two decades of rapid economic growth, and a lack of technology especially.
20多年来中国经济的快速增长,特别是技术的缺乏,损害了中国的环境治理 。
Every province, autonomous region and municipality has set up a census office and will report to a main centre staffed by officials from government departments.
各省、自治区、直辖市都建立了人口普查局,并将向一个由政府部门官员组成的主要中心报告 。
Data will be reviewed multiple times before being put into a database and will be analyzed in the second half of 2008.
在将数据放入数据库之前,将对数据进行多次审查,并在2008年下半年进行分析 。
Findings will be examined and approved by mid-2009.
研究结果将于2009年年中前检查和审批 。