日期:2013-10-16 19:24



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Erina describes herself as _____ .

a) confident

b) reserved

2) How long has she been dancing?

a) She started recently

b) Since she was a child

3) As a dancer she has _____ .

a) performed before an audience

b) been able to keep fit


Topic:Are you shy?

Hi, my name is Erina and I'm from Japan. Right now I'm talking about shyness.

When people ask me if I'm shy, I think I'm not shy at all. I'm very used to speaking in front of people and I'm pretty confident of what I say and it has a lot to do with dancing when I was involved with them since I was a little kid.

I had a lot of opportunities to perform in front of a lot of people and maybe because of that I'm not shy at all in front of many people.


a b a

  • confidentadj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的 adj. 易
  • performv. 执行,运转,举行,表演