日期:2014-06-21 18:15



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Why would Olga take her boyfriend to a deserted island?

a) Because he's strong

b) So she won' get bored

2) Why would Seiji take a pocket knife?

a) For protection

b) It's useful

3) What does Olga want Seiji to build her?

a) A boat

b) an airplane


Topic:stranded on a island?

Seiji: I'm Seiji from Bolivia.

Olga: And I'm Olga from Mexico.

Seiji: Olga, if you were to go to a desert island for a long time...

Olga: Hmm.

Seiji: Mention one thing that you would take.

Olga: That's easy. I would take my boyfriend. Yeah, like I would, if I take him I won't get bored and he might hate me for taking him to a desert island forever but he eventually, we will eventually be, you know, happy together.

Seiji: That's good.

Olga: And you?

Seiji: Me, I would take a pocket knife.

Olga: Oh, why?

Seiji: Well, like in the movies, a pocket knife can be used for everything, in cutting trees and also building boats and different aeroplanes.

Olga: Yeah, you should build a boat for me and my boyfriend.

Seiji: Yeah, I'll make you do that.


b b a

  • desertedadj. 废弃的,荒芜的,被遗弃的 动词desert的过
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后