日期:2014-03-19 15:45



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Seiji thinks bungee jumping is ____ .

a) easy

b) scary

2) Seiji would like to jump off a ____.

a) bridge

b) building

3) Adreneline makes you feel ____.

a) sick

b) alive


Topic:What extreme sport would you like to try?

Hi. My name is Sieji from Bolivia. The question is what extreme sport would you like to try?

Well, I would like to try bungee jumping. I think it's one of the scariest sports that exist nowadays and it would be nice to jump out of a bridge or from the edge of a mountain. I would like to feel the rush and the adrenalin in order to feel being alive I guess. So, yeah, bungee jumping would be cool.


b a b
