每日视频新闻:特大地沟油案开庭 16名被告受审
日期:2013-09-03 11:48







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Russian lawmakers want to fly to Washington to sway Syria decision


Russian lawmakers have a message for their American counterparts in Congress, and they want to deliver it in person: 'don't attack Syria.' Meeting with President Vladimir Putin, senior lawmaker Valentina Matviyenko told him delegations of lawmakers are ready to board a flight Washington.
俄罗斯立法者向美国国会传递了一条信息,希望能够亲自传达:“不要攻击叙利亚SwzdknB00d。”与总统普京会面时,高级立法者瓦伦蒂娜·马特维延科(Valentina Matviyenko)表示,立法者代表团已经准备登上飞往华盛顿的航班flq0^3guvN=|s1


SOUNDBITE: SPEAKER OF FEDERATION COUNCIL VALENTINA MATVIYENKO SAYING: "I think if we were able to establish a dialogue with our partners in the U.S. Congress, to exchange opinions, facts, we could possibly understand each other better. We hope that the U.S. Congress will take a balanced position in the end and, without strong arguments in place, and we see today that the arguments don't really exist - Congress probably won't support plans to use force in Syria."
俄联邦委员会主席瓦伦蒂娜·马特维延科(Valentina Matviyenko):“我认为,如果我们能够与美国国会同僚开展对话,交换意见和现实,我们将能够更好地互相理解Fe5R]JF|4;O|1JCzV。我们希望,美国国会最终能够采取比较平衡的立场,不要进行激烈的争论,我们今天看到,争论并不真正存在——国会可能也不支持对叙利亚动武wI+kJ43hmJ3。”


Congress is due to vote on whether to carry out a military strike on Syria just days after the Obama administration says it confirmed that Syrian forces used sarin gas to kill more than 1,400 people. Russia has so far, been dismissive of these findings. What influence Russian legislators might have is unclear. What is clear is that Obama's bid to gain support from congress will be more challenging now in the wake of the British parliament rejection of David Cameron's push for an attack.



Mandela out of hospital


The streets outside Nelson Mandela's Johannesburg home appeared quiet on Monday but passers-by were relieved at the news he's out of hospital.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) LOCAL RESIDENT FELLY THSEBENGU SAYING: "We are just very happy, you know, Mandela is a hero and all the country was in prayer, praying for the man to be right.
当地居民FELLY THSEBENGU说:“我们非常高兴,你知道,曼德拉是一位英雄,全国人民都在祈祷,祈祷他康复Dcb|En|uX%_YMw。”


(SOUNDBITE) (English) LOCAL RESIDENT MOSEMKULI MABASO SAYING: "I'm very happy because he spent a long time in hospital."
当地居民MOSEMKULI MABASO说:“我很高兴,因为他已经住院很久了!A[[kUF_@Bsda]。”


Newspaper headlines trumpeted the former president's departure from hospital after three months with a recurring lung infection. But the man elected South Africa's first black president isn't in the clear yet. Even at home he still needs intensive care. His condition is said to remain critical and at times unstable.



Dozens hurt by Tokyo tornado
日本龙卷风袭击东京 数十人受伤


A tornado brings chaos to the Tokyo belt cities of Koshigaya and Noda. At least 27 people have been injured. Local tv footage shows the severity of the damage left behind in Koshigaya. Some buildings have been reduced to piles of debris. Violent wind bursts have been spotted before in the suburban flatlands surrounding Tokyo. Rarely do they bring such destructive force to large areas of residential neighbourhoods.



CCTV9:特大地沟油案开庭 16名被告受审



16 on trial in China gutter oil case
特大地沟油案开庭 16名被告受审


In east China’s Jiangsu Province, a trial has been held over a case of illegal producing and selling of gutter oil. Sixteen defendants stand charged of profiting from the manufacturing of gutter oil, selling fake and substandard products, as well as manufacturing and selling toxic and hazardous food.


The amount of money involved goes as high as 60 million yuan, or almost 10 million U.S. dollars.


The case is the biggest of its kind since China’s Supreme People’s Court and Supreme People’s Procuratorate offered judicial interpretation for laws on criminal cases related to food safety in May earlier this year.


For the first time, the use of "gutter oil" was clearly criminalized as an act of mixing toxic substances with food.


Gutter oil refers to recycled kitchen-waste oil dredged from gutters behind restaurants.


Official figures show that from 2010 to 2012, Chinese courts heard over 1,500 food safety related criminal cases. More than 2,000 people were convicted on related offenses.






Li wins another pay-back match to reach quarter-finals


China's top player, Li Na reached the quarter-finals, beating Serbian ninth seed Jelena Jankovic 6-3, 6-love a big impressive win. The 2011 French Open champion will next face Russian 24th seed, Ekaterina Makarova who caused an upset by beating the Polish third seed, Agnieszka Radwanska 6-4, 6-4.


And the defending champion Serena Williams avenged her loss to Sloane Stephens at the Australian Open earlier this year by thrashing her fellow American. The World Number One showed no mercy against Stephens, crushing the rising star with an emphatic 6-4, 6-1 victory to keep her title defence on course.


While the 8th seed Angelique Kerber was not so lucky in her round four match against Carla Suarez Navarro. After losing the opening set, Suarez Navarro clawed her way back to win after failing to serve out the match at her first chance. The Spaniard will take on Serena Williams in the quarter-finals.


Men's defending champion and third seed Andy Murray progressed into the fourth round after beating Germany’s Florian Mayer in straight sets. The Scotsman fired 42 winners on his way to the victory in ana impressive performance which took only an hour and 59 minutes. Next up for Murray is Denis Istomin, after the Uzbek beat 20th seed Andreas Seppi of Italy.


Fast becoming the story of the tournament.Lleyton Hewitt reached the last 16 for the first time since 2006. The 32-year-old recovered from a lapse in the second set to defeat Russia’s Evgeny Donskoy in four . Hewitt will face another Russian, Mikhail Youzhny, for a berth in the first quarter-finals.


And Tomas Berdych of the Czech Republic is set to play Switzerland’s Stanislas Wawrinka in the fourth round, after beating French opponent Julien Benneteau.

  • administrationn. 行政,管理,行政部门
  • relievedadj. 放心的,放松的,免除的
  • supremeadj. 最高的,至上的,极度的
  • toxicadj. 有毒的 n. 有毒物质
  • lapsen. 过失,流逝,失效,抛弃信仰,间隔 vi. 堕落,停
  • championn. 冠军,优胜者,拥护者,勇士 vt. 保卫,拥护,为
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • criticaladj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的 adj. 临
  • violentadj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事