每日视频新闻:广州站所有列车停运 数万旅客滞留
日期:2013-08-18 07:44



路透社:美版愤怒日上演 示威者扬言占领华尔街




沪指盘中诡异暴涨 光大证券承认系统出错


台风尤特登陆广东 沿海大部狂风暴雨




超市巨头乐购退出中国 被华润万家合并




Egyptians in New York stage their own "Day of Rage"
纽约上演美版愤怒日 示威者扬言占领华尔街


The anger over the slaughter of hundreds by the Egyptian military in Cairo this week is spreading throughout the world. In New York City, hundreds of supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi protested outside Egypt's mission to the U.N. With signs and shirts, the protesters also took aim at the U.S., criticizing the Pentagon for providing aid to the Egyptian military. One protester said Egypt cannot take any more military rule.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) HISSEINE FARAEJ, DEMONSTRATOR, SAYING: "I'm just demonstrating. It's horrific what is taking place in Egypt. I mean again we have a guy in a military suit tell civilian how to live their life, how we govern ourselves. He should go back to the barracks. Sixty-two years of military rule I think is enough."
示威者HISSEINE FARAEJ说:“我只是在示威2awoA|DTyO。埃及发生的事情骇人听闻Tq9dU!@O53。我的意思是,又有一个军方统治者告诉平民如何生活,如何管理我们自己P.=K&qx]G#_dMe5。他应该回到军营kN_TjPXY,od&sTw。我认为62年的军事统治已经够长了jrm)92,&98iEv.O(7q。”


The protesters called Mursi's removal a coup… a term the Obama administration has avoided throughout the conflict. Another protester said they're holding out for Mursi's return.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) ABBER MUSTAFA, PROTEST ORGANIZER, SAYING: "Well, I think all these people here, of course, they have hope. We all understand what's going on, exactly. We all know our rights and we believe that our president will come back --President Mursi. We believe in [the] legitimacy, we believe in [the] constitution, we believe in the free elections we have done. The past two years will never go away like this. We're still holding to our president. We're still holding to our legitimacy and we're still hoping Egypt will come back very soon." Their protest came on the same day that Muslim Brotherhood supporters held a "Day of Rage" demonstration in Egypt.
抗议活动组织者ABBER MUSTAFA:“我认为,这里的所有人心中都抱有希望hzW1rpu(%=FWCqa-Hz6。我们都清楚地了解形势6#V9]d)j65IXW。我们都知道自己的权利,我们相信穆苏里总统一定能够回归9HXa7(!D7rce。我们相信法制,我们相信宪法,我们相信自由选举%geCEz,w*zy|pAOs。过去的两年不会白费&bVvmdb#)GlQfU%Z3zqv。我们将继续支持我们的总统gQ6h.(Lk#Vg]o3。我们将继续支持我们的法制,我们将继续希望埃及尽快恢复正常f,0i%mZ%n.~w。”他们的抗议活动在穆斯林兄弟会支持者在埃及举行“愤怒日”示威游行的同一天KZ+uv&!vWr2(P



Firefighters try to contain massive Idaho fire


Hundreds of people evacuate as a wildfire threatens multimillion dollar homes near a ski resort in Idaho. The Beaver Creek Fire has been burning for the past 10 days after it was sparked by lightning in the Sawtooth National Forest. Plumes of thick black smoke could be seen hovering over the area where a luxury housing development sits. The fire is one of dozens of destructive blazes in the Western U.S -- many of them fed by drought conditions, unusually high temperatures and fierce winds.




U.N. to make ruling after probe into North Korean ship


Panamanian authorities announced on Friday that a U.N. ruling is expected in the case of a North Korean ship carrying arms from Cuba in suspected breach of U.N. sanctions. Last month, authorities in the Panama Canal stopped the ship and seized the cargo after a stand-off with the North Korean crew, whose captain attempted to commit suicide.


(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) PANAMANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER, FERNANDO NUNEZ FABREGA, SAYING: "The investigation is over. A U.N. ruling is now expected and, in that case, their decision will be binding, not that of Panama."
巴拿马外交部长努涅斯(FERNANDO NUNEZ FABREGA)表示:“调查已经结束b01]+|C!@k+Eloh。联合国即将作出裁决,最终将由他们作出决定,而不是巴拿马&Ej#mqDli_3#yrjj。”


A six-member U.N. team concluded their findings at the Howard Air Force Base on Thursday after an investigation into the undeclared arms shipment from Cuba. Before the arms were discovered, Cuba told Panama the cargo was a donation of sugar for the people of North Korea, but a hoard of military equipment was discovered on board, including missile radar systems. The United Nations has imposed various sanctions on Pyongyang for flouting measures aimed at curbing its nuclear weapons program.These regulations include strict regulations on arms shipments.



CCTV9:京广线粤境内中断 广州站所有列车停运



Passengers stranded as railway blocked in Guangdong
京广线广东境内全线中断 广州站所有列车停运


A large number of passengers have been stranded in Guangzhou railway station, in the south of China. Trains to and from Guangzhou were cancelled after landslides triggered by floods blocked the Beijing-Guangzhou railline.


Torrential rains and floods were caused by Typhoon Utor, the strongest storm this year, that made landfall in Guangdong on Wednesday. Railway workers are rushing to clear the blocked tracks. Officials say people should travel by road, air or high-speed train which have been less affected by the floods.






China Internet Conference 2013 kicks off


China has the largest number of internet users in the world, and cyber crimes are rising along with on-line shopping and banking businesses. With personal data often illegally being a hot commodity, the importance of network security cannot be underestimated.


Scan to buy, the virtual world is very real. The Internet is changing our everyday life and there’s no going back.


China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology reports that the number of Internet users in the country reached 564 million at the end of last year - almost as many as in North America and Europe combined.


Smartphone users reached 464 million.


Convenience has Chinese consumers relying more and more on Internet shopping.


And hackers are looking for easy money from e-transaction services.


"The Internet just right there and so easy to use. I shop online a lot. My computer used to get easily infected by viruses. I learned my lesson and now update my anti-virus software more frequently than before." Chinese consumer said.


At the 12th China Internet Conference, the Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology praised the rapid expansion of the country’s Internet industry. But he also warned about the challenges ahead - especially when it comes cyber security.


Shang Bing, Vice Minister of Industry & Technology, said, "The improvement of internet infrastructure and system upgrade have led to emergence of a batch of well-known enterprises in the industry which have strong global competitiveness. This has created a lucrative domestic market. At the same time, challenges still remain. Internet security in particular is the fundamental criteria for a healthy and sustainable development of the industry."

  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • breachn. 裂口,破坏,违背,(浪的)冲击,决裂 vt. 违反
  • administrationn. 行政,管理,行政部门
  • civilianadj. 平民的 n. 罗马法专家,平民
  • cargon. 货物,船货
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • basen. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱
  • emergencen. 出现,浮现,露出
  • protestn. 抗议,反对,声明 v. 抗议,反对,申明
  • competitivenessn. 竞争能力