日期:2013-08-03 19:52



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Key likes to eat ______ .

a) sweet cake

b) cheese cake

2) He likes to ____ it.

a) make

b) order

3) He first tried it _____ Christmas.

a) on

b) before


Topic:what is your favorite dessert?

Hello, this is Key from Korea, and this is for elllo.org. The question is ... What is your favorite dessert? Well, I love all kinds of desserts, just because they are sweet and my favorite is New York cheesecake, and the reason I like cheesecake is that one day ... I remember it ... it was a couple of days before Christmas. I was making this cheesecake with my cousin and we both tried to make the cheesecake at the same time and I just learned from the first time, and I made a better cheesecake, and I still think that my cheesecake is the world's best so because of that I think my favorite dessert is cheesecake.


b a b
