日期:2015-11-09 09:05


Answer the following questions about the video.
1) She ____ driving.
a) loves
b) hates
2) She ____ when stuck in traffic.
a) sings
b) listens to music
3) She enjoys driving to ____ .
a) the mountains
b) the beach
Topic:Do you like to drive?
Hi! My name is Gisela, I'm from Venezuela. And the question is: "Do you like to drive?"
Well, yes, I love driving. Specially when I drive to the countryside or when I take a trip to the beach, I really enjoy driving. What I don't like of course is to drive in the city downtown where there is a lot of traffic and a jam and that's not comfortable for me or I guess for anyone. But all the same in that experience, I put music for example or anything want to listen to in the car and that makes it easier. But, yes I do like driving very very much. Do you?

a b b
