日期:2014-04-29 20:56



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) William wants to be ____ with his children.

a) very strict

b) like a friend

2) He wants to take his children to ____.

a) soccer

b) concerts

3) William wants his children to have ____.

a) what he never had

b) a good education


Topic:What kind of parent will you be?

Hi. My name is William. I'm from Mexico City and the question is what kind of parent will you be?

OK, I will try to be the best father for my children. I, I wanna be like a friend for them so I wanna go with them to the soccer, to ballet. I don't know, I want to do a lot of things with them so I want to teach them everything possible. I don't know. I want them have everything like, I don't know, that I never had. So I, I wanna do my best.


b a a
