I know a thing or two about how to make financial planning.
I know a little about how to make financial planning.
初学者容易望文生义,看见to know a thing or two就想当然地理解为“略知一二”。其实to know a thing or two的意思正相反,是to have practical and useful information gained from experience,即“因富有经验而熟悉”或“见多识广”。进一步有to be shrewd, to possess worldly wisdom的意思,即“精明”、“世故”。实际上,to know a thing or two about how to make financial planning的意思是“熟知如何理财”。例如:这位老人熟知股市。 The old man knows a thing or two about the stock market.
“略知一二”可以译为to know a little of/about, to have a rough idea of/about, to slightly know。例如:他什么事情都略知一二。He knows a little of everything.
虽然我对高尔夫球仅略知一二,但是我知道它是富人的体育运动。I know only a little about golf, but I know it is a sport for the rich.
“略略”、“略微”、“稍稍”和“稍微”可以译为slightly, a little, a bit, somewhat。例如:食油价格已经略微上涨。
1) The price of cooking oil has slightly risen.
2) The price of cooking oil has risen a little.
他们稍稍改善了工作条件。They have slightly improved their working conditions.