special sale
special sale的意思是 selling goods at special prices,即“特价销售”或“优惠销售”,而不是 selling special goods(出售特定商品)。special sale store就是“特价商店”。“一元店”就属于special sale store。例如:特价销售从星期天上午9点半开始。The special sale starts from nine thirty on Sunday morning.
“专卖店”的第一个意思是“获得特许而出售某一品牌商品的商店”,即“特许零售店”。英语用licensed store表示。奥运特许零售店,就是奥运商品专卖店,英语用Olympic licensed store表示。例如:2月10日,奥运射击冠军杨凌来到这个奥运特许零售店为顾客签售奥运特许商品。On February 10, Olympic shooting champion Yang Ling came to this Olympic licensed store to autograph Olympic licensed commodities for the purchasers.
“专卖店”的第二个意思是“专门出售某一种类或某一地方特色商品的商店”,即“专业店”或“特色商店”。英语用speciality shop 或 specialty store表示。例如:这个专卖店的特色是经营男装、女装和童装及配饰。This speciality shop/specialty store features apparel and accessories for men, women and children.
boutique是小型精品店或时装店,属于第二类专卖店。例如:这个精品店是一个小零售店,专卖礼品、时装、配件或食品。This boutique is a small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories or food.
有人用exclusive agency 或sole agency表示“专卖店”,有些不妥。“专卖店”一般是零售店。而exclusive agency 和sole agency 是“独家代理商”。例如:我方请求充当贵公司计算机在我国的独家代理商。We ask to be the exclusive agency for your computers in our country.
我方已决定委托你方作为我方汽车在贵国的独家代理商。We are decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our cars in your country.