截至2013年4月6日19时 全国共发现H7N9禽流感确诊患者18例,其中6人死亡。分别是上海8例(4人死亡),安徽1例、江苏6例、浙江3例(2人死亡)。
China has confirmed two fresh cases of bird flu in Shanghai, as it attempts to contain the latest outbreak of the virus in the east of the country.
There have now been 18 identified cases of infection of the H7N9 strain.
Six people have died, and the World Health Organization (WHO) said a further 8 cases were "severe".
In response, Chinese authorities have extended a ban on poultry trading to the city of Nanjing, having earlier closed markets in Shanghai.
“H7N9禽流感”的英文是H7N9 bird flu或H7N9 avian flu/influenza。flu意思是“传染性疾病”,常指“流感”,其正式表达是influenza。avian意为“鸟类的”。文中出现的相关词汇有:case(病例),identified(确诊的),strain(类型,品种),poultry trading(家禽交易)