With a fall of autumn rain, it's getting colder.
1)With one after another fall of autumn rain, it's getting colder.
2)With each fall of autumn rain,it's getting colder.
“一阵”充当副词,放在动词后面,修饰动词,表示该动作持续一段时间。也可以说“一阵子”。英语用for some time表示。例如:
1. 你已经干了一阵子,该好好休息了。
As you have worked for some time, you deserve a good rest
2. 一阵风刮掉了我的帽子。
A gust of wind blew my hat off
A fit of coughing could be heard from the inner room
4. 这个案件引起一阵批评。
This case brought about a shower of criticism
5. 当这位民族英雄出现在大厅时,响起了一阵暴风雨般的欢呼声,持续了几分钟。
When the national hero appeared in the hall, there was a storm of cheering that lasted for minutes
6. 他的幽默引起我们一阵大笑。
His humour made us break out in a fit of laughter
“一阵风”的第一个比喻意思是形容动作快。英语用 like a whirlwind表示。例如:
7. 战士们一阵风地冲了上去。
The soldiers rushed forward like a whirlwind
“一阵风”的第二个比喻意思是做事不能持久。英语用 a transient thing、 in a flash等表示。例如:
8. 反腐败,不能一阵风就结束。
The fight against corruption can't end in a flash.