日期:2012-10-15 13:01


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) MJ was often corrected in _______ .
a) America
b) writing class

2) She says she can now ________ .
a) compose good essays
b) speak without worry

3) Mike thinks it is _______ for professors to correct errors.
a) a good idea
b) too much

Topic:Should teachers correct grammar?
Mike: Hi, I'm Mike from Singapore and this is ....

MJ: MJ from Korea.

Mike: OK, MJ, let's talk about mistakes. Should teachers correct students grammar mistakes?

MJ: Yes, I think so, cause as a foreigner my English grammar is not perfect and I got a lot of corrections from American or Western teachers that I can not write a pretty good English essay.

Mike: Really.

MJ: What do you think Mike?

Mike: I think, well if it's English class, probably yes, because we have to learn to write better, but if it is ... let's say for example, in our school, if it's class or international relations, then probably not that important. The reason is because ... well the teacher wouldn't want to do it anyway. Imagine, right, you have a hundred papers. Not only you want to mark about ... give them points on the topic and, you know, any good points that are brought up in the report. And now you have to do grammar mistakes marking for them as well. It's too much work.

MJ: Too much work.

Mike: Right. It depends on what class you're in.

MJ: Yeah, I think so.

b a b
