日期:2014-02-23 21:02



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) What does Ayumi say about technology?

a) She loves it

b) She has every gadget

c) She is really bad with it

2) What technology does Ayumi not use now?

a) Computer

b) MP player

c) iPhone

3) What does Katya say you can do everything on?

a) iPad

b) Computer

c) Gameboy


Topic:What is a technology you no longer use?

Katya: Hello everybody, I'm Katya from Bulgaria.

Ayumi: I'm Ayumi from Brazil.

Katya: And today's question is what is a technology that we no longer use? Is there something you no longer use?

Ayumi: It's kind of difficult to tell because I never use technology. I'm really bad in things in terms of technology. I mean I already broke two computers and a CD player. But talking about which, there was an MP player that my father gave me for my birthday present five years ago and since I have a computer right now, I'm all the time listening to music on YouTube or downloading music, or iPhone, so I don't use the MP player any more. What about you?

Katya: I never had an MP player. I had a cassette player and then I had a CD player. I don't even use my CD player any more because it's so much easier listening on your iPod.

Ayumi: Yeah.

Katya: Also video tapes when you used to watch movies on video tapes. I don't even use DVDs any more. I always watch everything on my computer. You can fit your whole technological world in your computer.

Ayumi: That's true.

Katya: There are a lot of technologies like that. You remember using it as a child but no more. Also video platforms, there are a lot of video game platforms that are no longer on the market, like .... the first video game we have.

Ayumi: That's right.

Katya: They are no longer there. Even the old Game Boys, nobody uses a Game Boy any more.

Ayumi: I do still.

Katya: That's good.


c b b
