每日视频新闻:Gangnam style江南究竟在哪?
日期:2012-10-14 02:38









1【Japanese nuclear meltdown 'preventable'】日本核反应堆熔毀“可预防”


TEXT:"This is bad. This is bad." That's what operators at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant said after the facility was hammered by an earthquake and tsunami last year. Three of the plant's reactors would soon suffer a meltdown - triggering the biggest nuclear disaster in Japanese history. Now the company that owned the plant - Tepco - says all that could have been prevented. A new internal report reveals the company didn't do enough to protect the plant from tsunami threats and that it botched efforts to prevent the meltdown. It marked a stunning reversal by Tepco, which for months had said the disaster was unavoidable. Dale Klein, former head America's nuclear watchdog, oversaw the report. FORMER HEAD OF U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AND CHAIRMAN OF TEPCO'S INTERNAL NUCLEAR REFORM PANEL, DALE KLEIN, SAYING: "The first stage is denial, the second stage is probably blame others. I think it just took a while for it to really soak in that they understand they blew it." The meltdown forced 150,000 people to flee the area - and left Tepco with so much debt, it had to be nationalized.
2【Mixed reactions to EU Nobel win】欧盟获得诺贝尔奖褒贬不一


TEXT:The Nobel Committee announced its decision Friday morning to award the European Union with this year's Peace Prize, saying the EU has contributed towards peace in Europe since 1945. Some in Berlin welcomed the decision. This man said it was thanks to the EU that World War II was the last major conflict on the continent. But this man isn't convinced. He doesn't think the EU has worked particularly hard for peace, saying others deserved the honour more. In Greece, mired in the fifth year of a deep recession and struggling with an unemployment rate of 25 percent, many reacted with bitterness to the news.ATHENS RESIDENT, STAMOULA VALIS, SAYING: "I don't believe it has been helping the stability at all, because if it had been we would not be in the mess that we're in. That's my personal opinion." The prize came as a surprise for many, especially given the Union's current woes. Deep recession and mounting unemployment are symptoms of the euro zone debt crisis and harsh austerity measures have led to social unrest in many of the Unions' capitals.
参考译文:周五早晨,诺贝尔委员会宣布授予欧盟今年诺贝尔和平奖,表彰自1945年以来欧盟对欧洲和平作出的贡献T7qDa11fp(hDb*&Ha|。在柏林,一些民众对这项决定表示欢迎!6%vLZ&Nrua。这名男子称二战是欧洲大陆最近的大冲突,多亏了欧盟#_pGmt8iw5。但这名男子并不信服,不认为欧盟一直在特别努力维护和平,称被人更应该享有这个荣誉~-VQzOY1=iB6p8y。在希腊,连续五年深陷严重衰退,挣扎着达到25%的失业率,许多人对这条新闻的反应带有苦味H7&^6s0LU=LG。雅典居民Stamoula Valis说:“我一点也不相信它一直在维持稳定,因为如果是的话我们也不会像现在一样糟糕,这是我个人的观点vzoZD*,yyA&gw+BR#。”欧盟能获此奖很多人都感到惊讶,特别是考虑到欧盟当前的困境YArp|x+dH0_。严重的经济衰退和失业率的攀升是欧债危机和严厉紧缩措施下的症状,导致许多工会首都社会动荡Wku3X||wXDf*;BXtJ
3【Romney attacks Biden on Libya remarks】罗姆尼攻击拜登有关利比亚言论


TEXT:A day after the Vice Presidential debate, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is taking aim at Joe Biden -- accusing the vice president of contradicting the State Department on the deaths of four Americans killed when the U.S. consulate in Libya was attacked.REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE MITT ROMNEY SAYING: "The vice president directly contradicted the sworn testimony of State Department officials. He's doubling down on denial and we need to understand exactly what happened as opposed to have people brush this aside. " When asked whether the Benghazi compound had asked for more security ahead of the September 11th attack, Biden said the administration did not know more security was requested -- contradicting sworn testimony from two State Department officials. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says details are still sketchy:U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON SAYING: "To this day, to this day, we still do not have a complete picture, we do not have all the answers. No one in this administration has ever claimed otherwise." U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the attack.




【Psy catapults Gangnam style into international limelight,where is Gangnam actually?】《Gangnam style》江南究竟指什么?



South Korean rapper, Psy, has catapulted Seoul’s Gangnam district into the international limelight. The area is being compared to Manhattan and Beverly Hills and is said to be the most fashionable place in South Korea.


Tradition and modernity co-exist peacefully in the Gangnam district of Seoul, which literally means "south of the river" in Korean.


Gangnam district has over the years turned into one of South Korea’s most coveted addresses, but now is enjoying a sudden burst of popularity.


A song by South Korean rapper Psy entitled "Gangnam Style" has put this chic neighbourhood on the map. The video went viral over the Summer and reached No.2 in the US Billboard Charts. Naturally, the video has got everybody talking about Gangnam - and what, or where, it is.


Yang Ghang-Bong, student, said,"Gangnam was famous before, but because of Psy’s "Gangnam Style" it’s getting more attention. I’ve lived overseas and I think it’s good to see Gangnam becoming famous among foreigners as a very trendy and very special ’hot’ place."
学生Yang Ghang-Bong说:“Gangnam之前就有名,但因Psy的《Gangnam Style》得到了更多的关注G04O*V(Un[T_L。我住在国外,很高兴看到Gangnam在外国人中作为一种非常时髦和特殊的"热"地方而变得出门6C=cg@*Vbm=。”


Gangnam fever is about aspiration.


Located to the south of Seoul’s Han River, the area is home to about one percent of Seoul’s population.


To South Korean people, Gangnam represents a modern, luxurious and fashion-forward lifestyle.


Ko Seo-Hee, student, said,"I think there are a lot of trendy people here. This area is full of fashion and culture and you can find out about the newest trends. I think that’s why many people visit the area."
学生Ko Seo-Hee说:“我认为在这里有很多潮流人物,到处都充满着时尚和文化,你可以了解到最前卫的东西,我想这就是为什么很多人拜访这里的原因ZJbuxt_*v^HsEIOy。”


Gangnam’s development boom began in the 1970s.


Today, the Garosugil area of Gangnam is famous for its high street dotted with small, fashionable boutiques, cafes and restaurants.


Before, tourists to South Korea were more interested in going to the north of the Han River where beautiful Korean palaces, antiques and traditional Korean good’s markets are located.


Now though, an increasing number of foreign visitors are stopping by at Gangnam to see the modern and trendy side of Seoul.




CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Fridays are awesome, and so are you, for spending part of yours with CNN STUDENT NEWS. We appreciate that. I`m Carl Azuz, and we are ready to go with ten minutes of commercial free headlines starting right now.


Count them all up -- there are three presidential debates this year. When it comes to a face off between the vice presidential nominees, it`s one night only, and that night was last night. For the Democratic Party, Vice President Joe Biden. For the Republican Party, Congressman Paul Ryan. They took the stage at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky. We compared this vice presidential candidates in yesterday`s show. They have a lot in common. But in last night`s debate, as you might expect, the V.P. nominees talked about differences, their own differences on the issues and the differences between their running mates, President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.


JOE BIDEN, U.S. VICE PRESIDENT: The fact is that we are in a situation where we inherited a God-awful circumstance, people are in real trouble. We acted to move to - bring relieve to the people who need the most help now. And in the process, we -- in case you haven`t noticed, we have strong disagreements, but you probably detected my frustration with their attitude about the American people. My friend says that 30 percent of the American people are takers, Romney points out 47 percent of the people are -- won`t take responsibilities. He is talking about my mother and father, he is talking about the places I grew up and my neighbors in Scranton and Claymont. He is talking about - he is talking about the people that built this country. All they are looking for, Martha, all they are looking for is an even shot. Whenever you give them the shot, they`ve done it.


REP. PAUL RYAN, (R ), VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: We face a very big choice. What kind of country are we going to be? What kind of country are we going to give our kids? President Obama, he had his chance. He made his choices. His economic agenda -- more spending, more borrowing, higher taxes, a government takeover of health care. It`s not working. It`s failed to trade the jobs we need. 23 million Americans are struggling for work today. 15 percent of Americans are in poverty. This is not what a real recovery looks like. You deserve better.


AZUZ: When they talk about issues out in the campaign trail, candidates are usually giving their stump speeches. We want to hear yours, your stump speech in an "I-Report" video. Now, we don`t want music, no props, just you in front of your camera telling us in 30 seconds or less what issue you picked, why you think it`s important and what you would do about it. Details - you can find them at cnnstudentnews.com


Lance Armstrong is famous for winning the Tour de France cycling race seven times in a row. The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, the USADA says that while Armstrong was winning those titles, he was involved in "the most sophisticated professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen." On Wednesday, the agency released the report on its investigation into whether Armstrong used banned performance enhancing drugs. The USADA says 11 of Armstrong`s former teammates came forward to confess that their team had used banned substances. Armstrong has consistently denied doping, his lawyer called the investigation a witch hunt, the USADA is planning to send its report to international organizations which could lead to Armstrong being stripped of his Tour de France titles.


SUNITA WILLIAMS, NASA ASTRONAUT: Yeah, we had a special treat yesterday, not only did we get the Dragon, but we also got a whole bunch of ice cream, so desserts ready for us.


No, you know, it never crossed my mind that I would ever be an astronaut, I had never met an astronaut, never knew an astronaut, but, you know, after being a professional pilot and test pilot I finally met some people who were astronauts and understood, hey, you know, I thought to myself, hey, maybe I could do that, because it looks like it`s a whole lot of fun.


AZUZ: Sunita Williams mentioned the ice cream arrived on the Dragon. You are looking at it. The SpaceX Dragon capsule connected to the International Space Station. It arrived on Wednesday, the ISS crew cracked open the hatch and started unloading the supplies that came along. SpaceX is a private company that has a contract with NASA to make 12 of these supply runs. This is number one. The Dragon is scheduled to hang around up there for a couple of weeks, then it will head back to earth with some science experiments and equipment that needs repairs.


On this day, 520 years ago, Christopher Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas. The date of his arrival in the new world is a national holiday in Spain, because Spain paid for the journey. In other parts of the world, October 12th is marked by celebrations and some controversy. It`s called Dia de la Raza, which means "Day of the Race." Parades and festivals honor the cultural development of Latin America, but some people argue that the day shouldn`t be celebrated, because the arrival of Europeans led to the deaths of Native people.


All right, we are going to change things up now and talk about science. Actually, we are going to let David Eagleman do the talking. When we was around eight years old, Eagleman fell of a roof. He distinctly remembers that the fall seemed to take a really long time. As he got older, he talked with some other people who had similar experiences. Now, Eagleman is a neuroscientist. And one of the things he studies is the connection between time and the brain.


DAVID EAGLEMAN, PH.D., ATTORNEY: We are trying to figure out how time is represented in the brain, and this is a critical piece of the puzzle. How does that happen that things seem to get stretched out, and does it actually run in slow motion for you? Can you actually see something tumbling through the air or is it just a retrospective illusion that you thought it was so clear.


There was no study on this, because you can imagine, how difficult it is to try to figure out how can you capture a subject right in the life- threatening moment, and measure something about them.


So, we had a home grew of our own innovation. And what we did is, we dropped people from 150 foot tall tower, and they are going in free fall, backwards and they are caught by a net below, going about 70 miles an hour. It goes against every Darwinian instinct that you have to fall backwards like that. And we built and patented a device that we strapped to their wrists that flashes information at them in such a way that we can measure how fast they are seeing the world. The idea is that as you are falling, if you actually see in slow motion, then you would be able to see things that were normally too fast. Now, they`d be slowed down so that you could see them just fine. What we discovered is that even though people think the fall took a much longer time than it actually did, they were not seeing in slow motion, they could not see the information flashed them any faster than in a normal situation. So what we learned was, this - it`s essentially a trick of time judgment, of duration judgment, and it`s tied into memory. So, when you have a very scary situation going on, you have other parts of your brain coming online that write down memories essentially to higher density.


The reason all this matters is because how the brain constructs time is something about which there is very little study. But what`s become clear is that this is so fundamental to how we perceive the world, that if those mechanisms go awry, one will have a very fragmented cognition.


AZUZ: Fascinating, if highbrow stuff. Now, the question: "Would you pay to promote your Facebook posts." We asked that at Facebook.com/cnnstudentnews, and most of those who watch us and who are on Facebook said, they would not.


Joshua is one of them, but he could see an opportunity for small businesses as a reason to do this.


So Jenna. "It would be a great way to promote a small business or good cause, though, she thinks seven bucks is outrageous.


Haylee says, "I am guessing that about 70 percent of the time, no one will pay attention to it," and Audrey, "It seems like a rip-off. There are tons of ways to get people to take notice of your ad." Now, Amit says, "People use Facebook so much nowadays that promoting your post would be a . smart advertising technique." And Luke writes, "If it something you feel . strongly about and this will be shown to thousands, he`d do it, but not if it`s only going to be shown to a 100 people or so. If you are on Facebook, chime in, facebook.com/cnnstudentnews.


Finally, your school might practice fire drills, tornado drills, I don`t know if there`s any drill to prepare for this: a mama bear and her cubs taking a little straw across campus. This happened to an elementary school in Washington State, it might not be a bear drill, but there was definitely a bear response. Locked down, the principal told everyone to stay in their classrooms until the coast was clear. It`s kind of thing might not happen very often, but just in case, the school may want to put up a post or sign "Warning."


We know some of you think our puns are grizzly, but that taxonomy one ursine -- you probably barely noticed it. We`ll be back for more pun fun next week, I hope you`d have a great weekend. Bye now.




【Do Sex Strikes Work?】





This is the VOA Special English Health Report.


Last month, women in a civil rights group in Togo called a weeklong sex strike to try to force the president of the West African nation to resign. Members of "Let's Save Togo" pla


nned to withhold sex from their husbands to pressure the men to take action against President Faure Gnassingbe.
上个月,多哥一个民权组织的妇女号呼吁行一次为期一周的性罢工,试图迫使这个西非国家的总统辞职|eWh7)jI1i1=ebuMYU&。这个名为“拯救多哥”的民权组织的成员计划拒绝与自己的丈夫发生性行为,以迫使他采取行动反对该国总统Faure GnassingbeYxsd)Ny%,wc25


The opposition says his family has ruled Togo for too long. Withholding sex for political goals has a long history. It was used in ancient Greece. In the play "Lysistrata," the women of Athens decide to stop having sex with their husbands until the men end the Peloponnesian War.


But do sex strikes work? Pepper Schwartz is a professor of sociology at the University of Washington in Seattle. She says the idea is good for making news headlines, but it takes a lot of work.
但是性罢工有用吗? Pepper Schwartz是西雅图市华盛顿大学的社会学教授bQP|uN|V*G(l#。她说,这个想法是个不错的头条新闻,但仍需做大量工作O&f@M8n+U#Mr


PEPPER SCHWARTZ: "If you're talking about a few days where women make a point, I think that works. If you're talking about turning a whole nation around because nobody's getting any, I wouldn't put hard money on that because I don't think people stick to sex strikes. Yes, it's good to bring consciousness to your mate, [but] it's probably hard to stick to. Three, if you do stick to it too long, you might lose that other person's willingness to support your issue. So it's a tricky thing. I think it's a good headline, a lot harder to put into practice."
PEPPER SCHWARTZ:“如果你们说的是女性阐明观点的这几天,我认为这是有用的9FYgf.d_IG5hkIdf()。如果你们说的是扭转整个国家,就因为没有性,我不会支持这种观点u45.HGpHb@|3^^。因为我不觉得人们会坚守性罢工eRs+EE,WEf。是的,它有利于给伴侣带去某种意识,但它可能很难坚持cX)m;lk2kC2kTqp%SB。第三,如果你坚持性罢工时间太长,你可能会失去他人支持你观点的意愿gS9eI-=VOip)z。所以这是一件棘手的事Ee)dZtQo#K.Fi。我认为它是一个好头条新闻,但是很难付诸实践UAXpF@N&&cujH1;gZ。”


But pro-democracy activists in Togo say a sex strike during the civil war in Liberia gave them cause for hope. In two thousand three, Liberia had been through fourteen years of war. Leaders of the group Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace organized a series of nonviolent actions. Those included a sex strike.


The actions earned the group's leader a share of the twenty-eleven Nobel Peace Prize. Leymah Gbowee shared the prize with two other women, including Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. She became Africa's first democratically elected female president in two thousand six. The third winner was Tawakkul Karman, a women's rights activist in Yemen.
这一行动让该组织领导人Leymah Gbowee与包括利比里亚总统Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf在内的另两名女性共同获得了2011诺贝尔和平奖xTvjHchJuV2P,q[I&4-U。她于2006年成为非洲第一位民选女总统TVcVpkdVsYR;H|&Y。第三名获奖者是也门女权人士Tawakkul Karman0!0^[L=^WFghqJ^&UWM


Yaliwe Clarke is a lecturer in gender studies at the University of Cape Town in South Africa.
Yaliwe Clarke是南非开普敦大学一名两性研究讲师hJ6zzfeF1EkilGy


YALIWE CLARKE: "I think if there's a sharing of the gains of this approach with other African women, then it will inspire them just like in Liberia -- this, the way in which the Mass Action for Peace, the methods that the women used in Liberia for the Mass Action for Peace. They've been written about, a film has been made, so now, you know African women are saying, 'Well, we can do that, as well.'"
YALIWE CLARKE:“我认为如果这种方法得到的收获能让其它非洲妇女也分享到,那么它就会激励她们,就像利比里亚和平运动所做的那样b+3aVs(Xa@4XvLp;pkB。利比里亚和平运动被写成书,拍成了一部电影M%W#bQ.Zy#GyjH%XKd。那么现在非洲妇女都在说,‘好吧,我们也能做到这点^+;~8Xc-YA~FMQD_U[。’”


But Pepper Schwartz at the University of Washington says women need to hold real power in order for something like a sex strike to work.
但华盛顿大学的Pepper Schwartz称,为了让性罢工类似的活动产生效果,妇女需要掌握实权4CXwl0IM2T
PEPPER SCHWARTZ: "They only work in proportion to the amount of power women have in a society. In other words, you have to have a certain amount of power already to tell your husband no. In some societies your husband would pound on you or, you know, enact his own kinds of revenge, but you have to have a society where a man respects a woman's opinion and her desire to say no and will, in fact, respect her for it."
PEPPER SCHWARTZ:“它们产生的效果与社会中女性拥有的权力大小成比例%TZb;Pj7Nb;z-4。换句话说,你必须有一定的权力对你丈夫说不x=ZyPON=~[gOrKKJ(-。在某些社会中,你的丈夫会打你,或者,你知道的,实施他自己的报复%e-A1h_o(.^4Ib~[qVY。你必须在一个男性尊重女性观点和她说不的愿望的这样一个社会,事实上也就是尊重她mCPGP~dDA~。”


  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • compoundn. 混合物,复合词 n. 院子(用围墙圈起来的场地)
  • districtn. 区,地区,行政区 vt. 把 ... 划分成区
  • disastern. 灾难
  • confessv. 承认,告白,忏悔
  • stabilityn. 稳定性,居于修道院
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • threateningadj. 威胁(性)的,凶兆的 动词threaten的现
  • democraticadj. 民主的,大众的,平等的
  • earthquaken. 地震