日期:2012-08-26 01:51











1【US jury rules in favor of Apple】苹果VS三星专利之战 三星被判侵权赔10亿美元


TEXT:A US jury delivered a major blow to Samsung Friday when they ruled that the South Korean tech company had in fact copied parts of Apple's iPad and iPhone, and ordered Samsung to pay Apple more than $1billion dollars in damages. The two companies had sued each other over several patent claims in a legal fight that is still going on in other countries. The jury ruled that Samsung had infringed on six out of seven of Apple's patents, and that Apple had infringed on none of Samsung's patent claims. Friday's U.S. ruling comes on the heels of a decision in South Korea where a judge ruled Samsung had NOT copied Apple's design. Although Apple was awarded less than half of the $2.5 billion it was asking for, the decision is seen as a sweeping legal victory that could have much wider implications. Samsung's devices use Google's Android software... which means other smartphones using Android software might also be at risk of legal challenges from Apple. Apple says they do plan to file a sales injunction against Samsung products to be sold in the U.S. Shares in Apple closed at a record high of $675 dollars in after hours trading.


2【Canadian woman identified as murder victim】多伦多华妇惨遭肢解


TEXT:Canadian police hold a picture of 41-year-old Scarborough woman Hua Guang Liu. Her remains, including a severed foot, were found scattered in two locations in the Toronto area on Tuesday. The gruesome find led to the discovery of more body parts. The single mother of three was last seen 11 days ago near her spa business. Reports say she was planning to meet a potential buyer for her small company the night she went missing. Police are treating Liu's death as a homicide. PEEL REGIONAL POLICE INSPECTOR GEORGE KEOKKEOK SAYING: "We have no reason to believe that this is anything other than isolated case." Police are still searching for more remains and are DNA testing clothes they recovered from a suitcase.
参考译文:加拿大警方拿着一名41岁斯卡伯勒妇女刘华光的照片8aJG_tgz=|aW。周二在她的尸体在多伦多地区发现时腿部已被肢解,分散在两个不同的地方+;e,JLD[+%s21bCGiv]n。循着这个骇人听闻的发现警方找到了尸体更多的部分EhT8+gESorO。这名单身母亲已有三个孩子,最后一次是在11天前她的矿泉店附近出现过-;#_1mVG=+8eTX0x。有报道称在她失踪的那个晚上,她正计划与购买她小公司的潜在买家见面|q^,V%I72[@qbH3。警方正将刘之死当做一起杀人案Jp-6h_u1R)(]m@O。PEEL区派出所所长George Keokkeok说:“我们没有理由相信这仅是一起孤立的案件VECqoKfz#R4me!u(VD。”警察仍然在搜寻更多的遗骸并对手提箱里的衣服进行DNA测试&sSn#v1tcs


3【Isaac roars through the Caribbean】热带风暴席卷加勒比岛国


TEXT:Caribbean island nations are suffering through tropical storm Isaac as others prepare for the worst. In the Dominican Republic, the storm battered down as people gathered to watch the waves crashing in. Downed trees blocked roads... and caused damage to crops, officials said. In Cuba, the government and residents are getting ready. The island, a model of disaster preparedness, has moved at-risk patients to safety, and is stockpiling supplies like rice and sugar. Army forces say a full evacuation isn't necessary yet. The U.S. National Hurricane Centre said Isaac would gain strength after hitting Dominican Republic, Haiti and Cuba and could turn into a hurricane as it closes in on the Florida Keys and other Gulf states.


4【Bathroom break turns arty】洗手间摇身变艺术画廊


TEXT:A bathroom visit can now be an artful experience in the provincial town of Izhevsk in Russia. The city has turned its only public restroom into an art gallery titled "Toilet Museum." A wide variety of paintings hang above the urinals - mostly by the town's star artist Sergei Orlov who liked the unique setting. Artist Sergei Orlov, saying (Russian) "It was interesting to make it in a toilet to see how this cultural layer will look in a toilet. To combine those two processes. We found it interesting to bring them together." The exhibit is to educate local residents who say that their bathroom breaks are now more satisfactory. SOUNDBITE: Toilet Visitor Tatyana, saying "I got aesthetic pleasure. So I myself got full with something else too." And all of that for just 10 roubles, which is about 30 U.S. Cents.
参考译文:在俄罗斯省镇伊热夫斯克,去躺盥洗室现在可以是一次工巧至极的体验KLOmG75|]v(O。这座城市已经将公共厕所摇身一变,成了名为“厕所博物馆”的艺术画廊|Uo;kIY6JJ-*]。在小便池上方展示着各种各样的画作,其中大部分是出自该镇明星艺术家Sergei Orlov之手,他很喜欢做这种独特的设置boVejIYSn[。艺术家Sergei Orlov说:“在厕所里观摩文化层面的东西,这非常有趣ur|b,g0_FlC。把这两个过程结合起来7bVBEdaRiDdqi@Ayg。我们发现把他们放在一起很有趣3V#_*pn5Ncl3Yp)T。”此次展出的目的是为了教育当地的居民,他们表示现在在厕所的间歇时间更满足了F7bh1Q2K%8Ot。上厕所者Tatyana说:“我得到了审美的乐趣,因此我自己也被其它东西灌输DW#Cjgel[9mD^hd7。”所以的这些东西仅耗资10卢布,折合大约为30美分,e~x!J*)q9X




【Mental Health Services Absent for Traumatized South Sudanese】





TEXT:At Juba’s military hospital, the walking wounded often have scars that cannot be seen.


Psychologist Amasi Ibrahim Adam says that she sees many fighters with post-traumatic-stress disorder.


“Most of the cases are suicide. Soldiers shoot themselves with a gun and it’s a problem, because they are ignorant of mental illness and there are no services to console them,” Adam said.


Surgeon and director of the military hospital, Peter Ajak Bullen,says that some patients like William, who was bombed on the front lines in April, are brought in by family members. But he says other traumatized soldiers can often go on the rampage to maim and kill others.


“A soldier getting, shooting his colleagues is common, just common. Shooting in the air, shooting civilians, is common. Being violent to civilians also is common, especially for the soldiers, who have just come out of war. It’s a common scene. In the frontline, when we go and visit, you see that there are so many cases of a colleague shooting a colleague. Just because of depression,” Bullen said.


But although the hospital has bigger and better facilities than the public hospital, it has to deliver patients who do not respond to counseling and sedation there.


But at a 12-bed ward in the corner of Juba Teaching Hospital, psychologist George Wani, says he has no choice but to keep patients sedated for want of psychiatric drugs.


He has to use what little tranquilizers are available to calm patients down and that, if that doesn’t work, he has to send patients to Juba’s prison.


“The sanitarium of Juba is inside the prison. We are not intending to admit the mentally sick in the prison, but we are obliged and we have no alternative. As in an open space, the patient would be very destructive and harmful to others, very violent, aggressive and people outside cannot even right [correct] the situation,” Wani said.


South Sudan Deputy Minister of Health Yatta Lori Lugor says that the country has so many competing needs that the means to help the traumatized are just not there.


“Many of our people don’t know about these mental disorders, except when things come bizarre, like for example they see someone walking naked and then they conclude that this person is mentally sick. But otherwise they cannot diagnose early cases of mental disorder,” Lugor said.


But until the hospital gets proper psychiatric drugs, staff and facilities, South Sudan’s mentally ill will remain sedated or shackled.


【Using National Parks as Classrooms】





TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Education Report.


The National Park Service in the United States will mark its one hundredth anniversary in twenty-sixteen. As it nears its second century, the Park Service plans to increase its educational programs for students and teachers.


The plans include transportation support for one hundred thousand students each year to visit national parks to learn about nature and history.


Yellowstone is believed to have been the world's first national park when it was established in eighteen seventy-two.


Other students will get a chance to see parks in faraway places through Skype and other online programs.


The National Park Service also works with partners to provide education. One of its partners is a nonprofit organization called NatureBridge. NatureBridge is celebrating its fortieth anniversary and says one million young people have taken part in its programs.


The organization works with students from kindergarten through twelfth grade and uses national parks as its classrooms. It provides field science programs at Yosemite National Park and four other locations in California and the northwestern state of Washington.


Now, NatureBridge is launching an East Coast center with a four-million-dollar grant from Google. The program will begin in April at the Prince William Forest Park in Virginia.


Students stay for three to five days in NatureBridge programs. The activities are aimed at developing their science skills. For example, they learn about different soils and study water quality under a microscope.


Jason Morris is executive vice president of NatureBridge. He says when they are not sleeping, eating or in a laboratory, the students spend their time outdoors.
Jason Morris是NatureBridge的执行副总裁X~5Nxbx@ZoNz。他说,学生们如果不在吃饭、睡觉或在实验室时,就在户外-K.mIJ5NzfPm#qtj


Julia Washburn is associate director of education and interpretation for the National Park Service. She says in a time of budget cuts, the agency has to find ways to still meet its goals.
Julia Washburn是国家公园管理处副主任%ZuIrr%UI_Itz[t。她说,在预算削减的时期,该机构仍要想方设法仍然达到其目标DX=woA7Xlu*G06


JULIA WASHBURN: "We are not likely to get a lot of money in this current economy. This is about doing different work with the money that we have and redirecting resources into it."
JULIA WASHBURN:“在当前经济环境下,我们不可能得到很多的资金-~C@6rmWC*VVfzz2Tt。这就需要我们在现有资金情况下做不同工作,并重整资源投入其中l-3!|90Px@。”


Ms. Washburn says one of the most important services that the Park Service provides every day is nature interpretation. Park rangers try to make visiting the outdoors more meaningful.


JULIA WASHBURN: "Interpretation is a form of informal education. Essentially, it is a word that we use for the people in parks that explain the park or help orient you. So park rangers are interpreters. They orient you to the place you are in and help you make connections, emotional and intellectual connections, with the place."
JULIA WASHBURN:“解释是非正式教育的一种Qc&C_)&%LQzvl1x。从本质上讲,它是指为公园游客解说公园或帮助你熟悉环境df,YEG2,FZ[Bxh。所以公园巡游者就是解说员gPIx5SQFRl+.L。他们帮助你熟悉你所在的地方,并帮助你和这个地方建立情感和知识的链接mrPM]@atu9Fnkh26v6UF。”


vt. & vi.(为要求赔偿损失而)起诉, 控告, 和…打官司
He was sued for breach of contract.
vt. & vi.违反(规章等)
He occasionally infringe the law by parking near a junction.
Their legal rights were being infringed.
infringe on sth
The media is accused of infringing on people’s privacy.
The court has issued an injunction.
adj.可憎的, 可怕的
The injured man, with blood all over his face, was a gruesome sight.
受伤的人满脸是血, 十分可怕[6CF3%||Wxa4dn
adj.(指人)狡猾的, 诡诈的
That man used artful means to find out secrets.

  • isolatedadj. 分离的,孤立的
  • microscopen. 显微镜
  • juryn. 陪审团,评委会 adj. 临时用的 vt. 挑选
  • exhibitv. 陈列,展览,展示 n. 展品,展览 n. 证
  • aggressiveadj. 侵略的,有进取心的,好斗的
  • respondv. 回答,答复,反应,反响,响应 n. [建]壁
  • combinev. 结合,联合,使结合 n. 集团,联合企业,联合收割
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • tropicaladj. 热带的,炎热的,热带植物的
  • galleryn. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间