日期:2012-07-19 13:55









1【Intel forecast hints at weak PC sales】英特尔预测暗示PC销售疲软


TEXT:Signs of trouble for PC sales gleaned from Intel's latest report card. The top chipmaker forecast weak current quarter revenues- re-inforcing fears that the sluggish global economy and a lack of consumer interest are hurting PC sales. Overall earnings beat forecasts. On new CEO Marissa Mayer's first day on the job, Yahoo reported a slight decline in profits in its second quarter. The results still beat forecasts. The ailing Web pioneer has seen its revenue growth stall as consumers spend more time on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Barbie sales were up 5 percent at Mattel- that helped drive higher than expected earnings at the world's largest toy maker. Coca Cola results also beat forecasts- rising consumption of its drinks in emerging markets helped offset a fizzle in Europe. The higher dollar hurt Johnson and Johnson- which does a lot of its business overseas. The healthcare company still managed to beat forecasts but it also cut its outlook for the full year. In the financial sector: Goldman Sachs stock crossed $100 a share after it reported better than expected numbers. Charles Schwab profits rose 16 percent thanks to an increase in its fee based advisory accounts. At TD Ameritrade profits dipped because client trading slowed down. Both Schwab and TD Ameritrade beat forecasts. Stocks rose despite comments from Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke offering few clues as to whether the US central bank was moving closer to a new round of monetary stimulus- disappointing many market watchers. But not Bob Brusca of Fact and Opinion Economics: BOB BRUSCA, CHIEF ECONOMIST, FACT AND OPINION ECONOMICS (ENGLISH) SAYING: "The Fed has just extended its previous program of operation twist to near the end of the year. I thought that the Fed just did something more for us so I didn't think that they'd be prepared to do more. " Consumer prices were flat in June. A drop in gasoline prices offset gains in overall consumer prices, according to the US Labor Department's monthly Consumer Price Index. Taking a look at the closing numbers: In Europe: a mixed bag on thin trading. But in the US, all arrows were up. Bobbi Rebell, Reuters.
参考译文:从最新英特尔收集的报告显示PC机的销售有令人担忧的迹象hO)_s,]l^~SGM.(^q|nq。这个芯片制造商老大预计当前季度营收不佳6nT8PWR~IYAm3。低迷的全球经济以及消费兴趣的缺乏对PC机销售的影响再次引发担忧J~pX,0skP,。总体收益大于预期4Dox|MD79vL5Atp_E。在Marissa Mayer担任新CEO的第一天,雅虎报道称第二季度收益略有下降z5V@lRPf*@S0U6A,m。结果仍然超过预期E_Jqx-OS0WEQAH。随着用户在Facebook和Twitter网站上使用的越多,微博开创者雅虎已经发现其营收增长遭停滞EUp8KbEE,ALh(==。美泰公司芭比娃娃的销售上升5%,促使这家世界上最大的玩具生产商比预期带来更高的盈利cx2F8RjSqx]4Z*vq。可口可乐公司的数据同样超过预期,在新兴市场饮料增长的消费有助于抵消其在欧洲的亏损d-.3MbGXAY。在海外有大量交易的Johnson因较高的美元市值受损失ofTL&C&[44]i!qhk。保健公司仍然设法超过预期,但也同样降低了对全年的展望Yx@qGQmz05zY~Hl,。在金融领域:在报道高于预期数字后,高盛股票每股超过100美元aSGZyWmMc&V8d-5-。因收费制咨询账号的增加,嘉信银行利润上涨16%#&DMZJM##R%,z+。美国贸易控股公司因客户交易减少利润下滑]mdL.Nm8[3Rmty。施瓦布和美国控股公司都超过了其预期4Wp237!LUNd|m。尽管美联邦主席Ben Bernanke称几乎没有任何迹象说明美国中心银行是否正进入新一轮的货币刺激政策,这使许多市场观察者失望,但股市仍在上涨RIPl(RM=S+9Ry。但鲍勃·布鲁斯卡事实和观点经济学并不这样认为TON-CGngyJi。事实和观点经济学首席经济学家鲍勃·布鲁斯卡说:“美联社只是延长了此前的操作程序到接近今年年底,我认为联邦只是为我们多做过了一些,因此我不认为他们将会做更多)sd08_8S.a+。”六月消费价格水平持平U@JH|TODx([2tIXMgP。根据美国劳工部月度消费者价格指数报道,汽油价格的下调抵消了整体消费价格的盈利cuJyAFmwG78|e5i。观察截止的数据表明:欧洲如同大杂烩交易不活跃,但美国经济已经剑拔弩张##^m3*hg,SeUth
2【Virgin Mary found in tree】树干上的圣母玛利亚


TEXT:Some residents in West New York are calling it a miracle on 60th Street and Bergenline Avenue. A tree that some say resembles the Virgin Mary. And onlookers in the New Jersey city that lies just a few miles outside of Manhattan are finding hope and faith in the image that was discovered by a woman who was passing by. The site was enough to bring West New York resident Nelly Guerrero to tears. (SOUNDBITE) Nelly Guerrero, West New York resident, saying (Spanish): "I feel very emotional and very happy. This is a miracle that I think has come here to West New York 'cause. there's a lot of delinquents, many crimes. One cannot go out at night because this is terrible." Alfonso Montiel says the tree is only a product of nature, but people's faith is what gives the symbol meaning. (SOUNDBITE) Alfonso Montiel, West New York resident, saying (English): "I think it's the belief of people. It's not really, it's something like that. It's what people feel, the faith of people." But Mary Alnodovar insists that it's a miracle. (SOUNDBITE) Mary Alnodovar, West New York resident, saying: "I've been here for many years. I've never seen this before. And I always pass through here. Nothing happen like this. That's why I got surprised and I tell my friend, 'You got to go. You got to go and see.' It's not a lie. It's true what you see over there." Others believe that the symbol is a message sent from the Virgin Mary and people who pass by should not talk, but listen. Kilmeny Duchardt, Reuters.
参考译文:在Bergenline大道60街,一些纽约当地的居民称这是个奇迹OaizNg59!Y。一棵树有人说很像圣母玛利亚tHEd84*IM8|R。一位路过的妇女发现了这副画像,在曼哈顿外仅几英里外的新泽西市,旁观者正在这副图像中寻找希望和信仰3RaFhIJ%;^h&xGIj,tJ*。图像所处的位置足以使西纽约居民Nelly Guerrero泪流满面h~xNf(e!u!xu。Nelly Guerrero说:“我非常激动,非常开心,这是一个奇迹,我想这是圣母玛利亚来到西纽约的原因,这里有许多的违法犯罪jiy8N+OE+kMB4。晚上一个人不敢出门,因为这太可怕了m(;8SZ[q]~jx6mzjZ。”Alfonso Montiel称这颗树只是自然的产物,只是人们的信仰赋予了图像特殊的意愿pWz)5Q7YW([,-GA。西纽约居民Alfonso Montiel说:“我认为这是人们的信念,现实不存在的cmDw&bi]+@。这是人们的感觉,人们的信仰LbciBw1xQ*uzOYC9|*。”但Mary Alnodovar坚持称这是一个奇迹^kKmtvhszq=。西纽约居民Alnodovar说:“我来这里很多年了Q9T2xGu@J6hQmK。我之前从没看到这个J5cX;m7AN.*]J[fbeLL。我经常路过这里_yM)v6ZTeZy。并没有这图像lOl!PfQ&zb#2KD47CyQ&。这就是我惊讶并告诉我朋友的原因,(她对朋友说)你应该去,你应该去看一下_-n^ic3&GAqtS(D_EwHL。这不是撒谎f4pR*cz8&zO6l*Yp。你在那边看到的是事实rP!pqo0zPWPjaH7(T。”有的人相信这个标记是圣母玛利亚传达的一个信息,路过的人不应该谈论,只需要聆听u|G%FM&qPQGAQO,Xk5,
3【Civil servants protest Spain austerity cuts】公务员抗议西班牙开支紧缩


TEXT:A sea of hands pushing against the government. "Hands up, this is theft" they chant of austerity measures Spain introduced last week. Joining protestors across the country, public sector workers and firemen march in central Madrid, insulting officials at City Hall and Parliament. Aside from tax increases, civil servants face wage cuts, lay-offs and the elimination of some perks. With one of the EU's highest unemployment rates, Spain also plans to crack down on those claiming unemployment benefits while working in the black economy. CRISTIAN, FIREMAN, SAYING: "We are here to protect our rights because we consider the type of cuts made to be totally unfair at a national level in the way they affect the unemployed, the handicapped and us." Demonstrators held a mock funeral symbolising the death of labour rights as the country's two largest unions threatened widespread industrial action in September. Lindsey Parietti, Reuters


4【Clinton in talks with Israeli leaders】克林顿会晤以色列领导人


TEXT:Warm greetings for US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Jerusalem. After meeting with Egypt's new government, Clinton's talks with Israeli officials were expected to focus on the neighbouring state's transition. Some fear Egypt's new Islamist president, Mohamed Mursi, will break his pledge to honor a 1979 peace treaty with Israel. Israeli President Shimon Peres affirmed his state's commitment to the accord. ISRAELI PRESIDENT SHIMON PERES SAYING: "And I want to say clearly that like the United States, so is Israel very much interested in keeping the peace with the largest Arab country, Egypt." Clinton said its a time of uncertainty but also of opportunity.UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON SAYING: "It is a chance to advance our shared goals of security, stability, peace and democracy along with prosperity for the millions of people in this region who have yet to see a better future." The long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process and Iran's controversial nuclear programme also top the allies' agendas. Lindsey Parietti, Reuters




【Midwest Farmers Battling Worst US Drought in Generation】



TEXT:In this year's record setting heat under the hot summer sun, McLean County Illinois farmer Matt Hughes' crops are wilting.


Each day without rainclouds brings new disappointment and worry for Hughes.


"The crop I planted right now - I have more invested in this crop than any other crop in my life," said Hughes.


Hughes says that's because with commodity prices at all-time highs, so is the cost of seed and fertilizer.


Now, he's watching his potential profits evaporate.


"This is the one year that can make or break a lot of farmers," added Hughes.


Farmers in Illinois, one of the top corn and soybean producing states in the country, are facing the worst drought conditions in decades.


Part of the corn crop in southern Illinois is already beyond salvage, and the problem is spreading, says Illinois Farm Bureau president Philip Nelson.


"I will tell you from north to south and east to west, this corn crop is in severe trouble and in dire need of a healthy amount of rainfall," Nelson noted.


June was one of the driest months on record in many parts of the country, depriving corn stalks of much needed water during pollination.


"We've got over 50 percent of the corn crop in Illinois that's in poor or very poor condition. There are only two states worse than that by the statistics service and that's Missouri and Kentucky," Nelson added.


Nelson says the poor crop has a ripple effect on other farmers throughout the country.


"The pork is the biggest user of soybean products. Corn, its biggest user is beef cattle. So with all due respect, everybody keeps an eye on what type of crop you are raising because it really affects the bottom line of livestock producers in this state," said Nelson.


Whatever the bottom line is for Matt Hughes is now beyond his control.


"This is the most productive ground in the world, it's not like I'm going to make a choice to not produce it because I think we're going to have a drought. We produce it, and we take what we can get," said Hughes.


What Hughes is not getting is help from meteorologists. They only predict a few scattered showers in the coming weeks.




【Getting a Firm Grip on Weed Control】



TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.


When is a plant considered a weed? Experts at Penn State University have a simple answer: When the undesirable qualities outweigh the good qualities.


Consider the fact that crops generally produce several hundred seeds from each plant. By comparison, each weed plant can produce tens or even hundreds of thousands of seeds. And some buried seeds can survive up to forty years -- or even longer.


Eradicating weeds means that you have to remove all the seeds and roots so the plants will not grow back. But birds or the wind can reintroduce them to the land.


A more common way to deal with weeds is to control them enough so that the land can be used for planting. Experts advise using two or more control methods to deal with weeds.


Chemical weed killers or natural treatments like corn gluten can suppress weed growth. But so can dense planting. Bill Curran is a professor of weed science at Penn State. He says a dense, competitive crop that quickly shades the soil from the sun will help reduce weed growth.
化学除草剂或玉米蛋白粉一类的自然控制手段可以抑制杂草的生长AbLMD(XccT(PcD。作物密集种植也行之有效7Nj)eXfAgr。Bill Curran是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的杂草科学教授xpSFtULi+ZOe%=。他表示,经过密植的竞争性作物会很快遮蔽阳光,这将有助于抑制杂草生长1oHv|(~oal


Other controls include turning over the soil, pulling the weeds or covering them with mulch made of wood, garden waste or other material.


But even mulch has its limits. Natural resource specialists point out that weeds can be transported in mulch. This is also true of soil, grain, hay and animals.


Yet animals like sheep or goats eat weeds, so they can provide a biological control. Insects and other organisms can also act as biological controls.


Preventing the spread of weeds is an important part of weed management. Farm vehicles should be kept out of areas with weeds. If that is not possible, then clean off the equipment and your shoes when leaving.


Some people burn weeds or bury them deep in the ground or make them into mulch.


Professor Curran says another way to make use of weeds is to compost them. The process of making organically rich compost produces heat. This heat kills many, though not all, weed seeds. The same is true for seeds that pass through animals that graze on weeds.


From what I was able to glean, it appears they don’t intend to take any action yet.
根据我所收集到的资料分析, 他们看来还不打算采取任何行动wob=+cWOPz=N
vt. & vi.(收割后)拾穗
adj.行动迟缓的, 不机警的, 不活泼的, 无精打采的
a sluggish response
This humid heat makes you feel rather sluggish.
adj.不舒服的, 生病的
My husband is ailing.
vt.抵消, 补偿
The gains offset the losses.
Their wage increases would be offset by higher prices.
5.push against
(使)推, 顶〔按〕…
Don't push against me!
Push against temptation and you will get muscle in your character.
如果你能抵制诱惑, 你的性格就会坚强起来GX5kz2i8lAu)[U
Push your hand against the door as hard as you can to make it shut.
用手使劲推门, 把它关上=I-tbAMN1LLVIojg9*cK
Lay off my books.
Lay off that girl!
To lay off(workers).
Would you lay off that!
vt. & vi.高兴起来;活跃起来
perk up
You’ve perked up since this morning.
The weather seems to be perking up.
House prices are expected to perk up.
Perk up a dark kitchen with a coat of paint.
ideas for perking up bland food
Are there any perks that go with your job?
vt. & vi.愚弄; 嘲弄
He went to church only to mock.
She mocked him as a country boy.
The strong fortress mocked the invaders.
adj.仿制的; 模拟的
The students have done mock A levels at school.

  • removev. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁 n. 去除,间距
  • austerityn. 朴素,节俭,苦行
  • competitiveadj. 竞争的,比赛的
  • productiveadj. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的
  • disappointingadj. 令人失望的 动词disappoint的现在分词
  • pledgen. 保证,誓言,抵押,抵押品 vt. 保证,发誓,以
  • settingn. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲 动词
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • declinen. 衰微,跌落; 晚年 v. 降低,婉谢
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券