每日视频新闻:西班牙列车脱轨78人死亡 疑似超速一倍
日期:2013-07-26 07:40



路透社:西班牙列车脱轨78人死亡 疑似超速一倍




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Spanish PM visits train crash site
西班牙列车脱轨78人死亡 疑似超速一倍


Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy visits the site of a deadly train crash on Thursday, where at least 78 people were killed and more than 130 others were injured when a train came of its tracks. The northwestern community of Santiago de Compostela is Rajoy's birthplace. In a statement, the prime minister gave his deepest condolences for victims and declared three days of official mourning. Residents said they didn't know what had happened immediately.
周四,拉霍伊(Mariano Rajoy)视察了致命的火车撞击事件事发地点NqCQnqk3NXNv2ca6d|z。事件是由于一辆火车出轨,造成至少78人死亡,超过130人受伤bAt+lYXq-rI(,bqZ。位于西北部的圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉是拉霍伊的出生地;sDJyLrk=g&,。在一份声明中,总理沉痛悼念遇难者,宣布全国默哀三天j|6+EPua1hW。当地居民表示,他们现在还不了解事情具体情况DR%1Z([a!g]vp


JOSE MANUEL GARCIA RIAL, LOCAL RESIDENT, SAYING: "When we heard ambulances and the fire brigade we knew something had happened. I thought it was an attack, a catastrophe of sorts. Then we turned on the TV and found out it was the train. We knew no more until later."
当地居民JOSE MANUEL GARCIA RIAL说:“当我们听到救护车和消防车的声音时,我们立刻意识到有事故发生s]FW-z=E%@2IT。我原以为是一起袭击,某种大灾难voO#o~@8J(-9|f^。后来打开电视,发现是火车出轨)zKE)E_BcND=z。现在我们还不知道更多细节5NkM)vwj3qfP+A。”


Bodies of some of the victims were covered in blankets at the site of the disaster, while emergency crews combed the scene,helping survivors. The derailment happened on the eve of the city's main religious festival. So far officials are working under the assumption the incident was an accident.




Deadly car bomb hits Damascus suburb


A car bomb killed at least ten people and wounded more than 60 when it exploded on the edge of Damascus Thursday. State news agency SANA said that the bomb hit the al-Siyouf Square in Jaramanah. It blamed "terrorists", a term the Syrian government uses for rebels who are fighting a two-year-old civil war against President Bashar al-Assad. Crowds gathered at the blast site... sifting through damage to buildings and vehicles. After rebel gains around the country, the army has pushed back in recent weeks. The insurgents use mortars and car bombs to hit areas still held by the government. The United Nations says nearly 100,000 people have been killed in the war.




Massive landslide in Sichuan


Dramatic landslide video from China's Sichuan province this week... People could be seen running and screaming as the side of the mountain crumbled to the ground. Some 1400 people were relocated from the region -- another 2,000 still need to get out. And it's flood waters in other parts of the country wrecking havoc on residents. Further north in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region an intersection was turned into a pond as travelers did their best to navigate through the flood waters. As of Tuesday, over 64,000 people the area had been affected local media said with more than 300 deaths and 200 people missing this year so far.








Google & Microsoft compete in PC market


At a time when personal computers are experiencing a drop in sales, Google’s Chromebooks are defying skeptics and gaining market share. The growth follows the unveiling of low-cost Chromebook models from Samsung and Acer last October. Traditional Microsoft partners such as Hewlett-Packard and Lenovo also have started offering Google Chromebooks in recent months.


It’s an old battle between two tech giants. And today, hostilities renewed between Microsoft and Google who both released second quarter earnings. According to research firm NPD Group, in the last eight months, Chromebooks have snagged 20 to 25 per cent of the U-S market for laptops priced under $300. The device is now the fastest-growing part of the personal-computer industry based on price.


When the Chromebook first debuted two years ago, it was dismissed as a "bare-bones" laptop. Its lack of built-in software was considered unusual - especially when compared with laptops using Microsoft’s Windows operating system - but the budget-tier Chromebook has found a market here in the U.S.


According to Gartner and IDC, global shipments of PCs have been steadily declining over the last few years. Computer makers around the world shipped 76 million PCs in the second quarter of 2013 from 85 million PCs shipped last year-a decline of almost 11 percent (10.9%).


Attractive pricing, an evolving platform and strong marketing have seen Chromebooks beat the odds in an otherwise cut-throat market. While Chromebooks still remain a small portion of the total U-S laptop market, Google has certainly found a niche.And with every software update, it continues to woo.





"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" staged at Children's Theater Festival


China Children's Theater Festival continues into its second week, and this time they're taking the stage at the National Theater for the Peforming Arts.


From cartoons, to plays, to film adaptations, the story of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" remains one of the most popular children’s stories.


One of the draws of Snow White herself is that she embodies the ideal Chinese beauty: snow-white skin, red lips, and jet-black hair. Many famous Chinese actresses have emulated Snow White’s look and persona, including Gong Li, Fan Bing Bing, and Zhao Wei.


This week, kids get a chance to see the gorgeous Disney princess herself in a stage production at the prestigious National Center for the Performing Arts.


This performance of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is part of the China Children's Theater Festival. Snow White is a story that transcends all ages, genders and cultures, because the moral of the story is that good will always win over bad.


Here’s a recap in case you’ve forgotten: It all starts with the evil witch, who has a magic mirror that tells her that Snow White is more beautiful than her, which prompts her to want to kill Snow White. In grave danger, seven forest dwarfs set out to protect Snow White using their own unique powers. However, the witch still finds the princess and gives her a poisonous apple, which kills her. Outraged and ready for revenge, the seven dwarfs bring down the evil witch and Snow White comes back to life!


But, of course, there’s a lot more entertaining moments in the story that deserve to be revisited in person. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs will be on at the NCPA until July 25th. There’s a lot more festival performances coming up, with the last event taking place on August 28th.




  • affectedadj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做
  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • protectvt. 保护,投保
  • havocn. 大破坏,混乱 vt. 破坏
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • assumptionn. 假定,设想,担任(职责等), 假装
  • prestigiousadj. 享有声望的,声望很高的
  • updatev. 更新,补充最新资料 n. 更新
  • portionn. 部分,份,命运,分担的责任
  • tracksn. 轨道(track的复数);磁道;轮胎