日期:2012-05-31 06:23















1【Rescue teams battling quake aftershocks】救援队伍冒余震实施救助




TEXT:Anxious early hours after anmagnitude5.8 earthquake hit northern Italy. Rescue workers searching for locals trapped underrubblewere forced to proceed with caution as a series of aftershocks made their way through the region. Emergency services put the death toll at 15. Hundreds of people are injured and many businesses, including car maker Ferrari closed their plants due to safety concerns. The earthquake which was centered near the town of Modena was felt as far south as central Italy and is the second to hit Italy in just over a week. Deborah Gembara, Reuters



2【Suu Kyi makes first trip abroad in 24 years】昂山素季24年内首次出国旅行



TEXT:At the airport in Bangkok, there were cheers to greet Aung San Suu Kyi as the Nobel Peace Prize Winner made her first trip outside of Myanmar in 24 years. Her arrival in Thailand is being viewed as an encouraging sign for Myanmar which is in the process of massive reform --- freeing political prisoners and easing media censorship. Suu Kyi --- who spent 15 years in detention, had during brief periods of freedom refused to leave the country ---fearing she would not be allowed back. She is set to give a speech this week at the World Economic Forum on East Asia. Deborah Gembara, Reuters.


3【U.S., others expel top Syrian diplomats】美国以及其它国家驱逐叙利亚高级外交官


TEXT:The Syrian province of Aleppo --- six weeks after a UN brokered ceasefire. Reuters cannot independently confirm the content of this video which was uploaded to a social media website and was reportedly shot on Tuesday. The killing of over 100 civilians, half of them children in Houla last week prompted the U.S. to deliver this message to Syrian diplomats on Tuesday -- pack your bags. State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland. SOUNDBITE: Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland saying: "We took this action in response to the massacre in the village of Houla...absolutely indefensible, vile" Syria's embassy in Washington. Diplomats were summoned to the state department and told they have 72 hours to leave the country. In a show of unity --- Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Spain alsoexpelleddiplomats. The coordinated action took place as envoy Kofi Annan made an emergency trip to Damascus. SOUNDBITE: Envoy Kofi Annan saying: "I shared with President Assad my assessment that the six-point plan is not being implemented as it must. We are at atipping point." While Annnan's meeting is not new for Syria --- the coordinated expulsion of Syrian diplomats will be a lot more difficult to ignore. Deborah Gembara, Reuters.


4【Rare pink diamond sells at auction】罕见粉钻在拍卖会上出售



TEXT:Auction house Christie's is in the pink for its spring jewelry sale in Hong Kong. The coveted prize of the day is the Martian Pink - a 12 carat fancy intense pink diamond, the biggest of its kind ever to appear at auction. After an intense bidding session, the gem sold to an anonymous bidder for 17.3 million US dollars - which is roughly 1.5 million dollars per carat,shatteringits pre-sale estimate. Christie's Rahul Kadakia ,head of Jewelry U.S. and Switzerland, explains its success. Saying "It's very difficult to have round colored diamonds that actually show their color with this intensity which is why most coloured diamonds that you see are cut into fancy shapes; either a rectangular shape, a heart, an oval. But to have a round diamond, the most classic cut of them all, with 57 facets and this kind of color intensity, is very rare." There are only two large round pink diamonds in the world with one being the Martian Pink. The other, the "Williamson Pink" is owned by Britain's Queen Elizabeth. Elly Park, Reuters.
参考译文:佳士得拍卖行在香港春季珠宝销售中如火如荼gMkHoE)@X9emJ;B#;Ey=。今天最诱人的价格来自"火星粉钻"——一颗12克拉,格外别致的深粉红色钻石,这是拍卖会上此类钻石有史以最大的一颗r0,Vc yXKQTo5Y。经过一轮激烈的竞价,一位匿名的买家竞价1730万美元将其收入囊中——这接近150万美元一克拉,打破了竞价前的评估strmKMXxI@h~7h6K&EM。佳士得美国和瑞士总管Rahul Kadakia对拍卖的成功做了解释:“这种圆形深色彩宝石是非常难得的,这就是为什么大部分的彩钻被雕刻的很花哨,要么是一个矩形,心形或椭圆形3SVooO1FEaZ.。但这样一颗圆形钻石,所有当中最经典的雕刻,配上57个切削面以及这种彩色亮度,是非常罕见的RFSVA3hg-g|A=。世界上只有两颗粉色圆形大钻石,其中一颗就是"火星粉钻"6F^*#K[9b#xKIQD。另一颗"威廉姆森粉钻”在英国女王伊丽莎白手中b1_Y,XPq5WS;k




《VOA新闻》选自VOA NEWS(提供全面下载)
【Egyptian Presidential Hopeful Morsi Leads Pack】埃及总统希望者Morsiy领先群雄



BRIEF:Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi was not his Islamist group's first choice for its presidential candidate. But he got the job when the Brotherhood's lead candidate was disqualified and then became a front-runner in a show of the group's political muscle.


During the campaign, Morsi delivered fiery speeches and vowed his presidency would be based on Islam but not be a theocracy.


Morsi was born in the Nile Delta in 1951 and received an engineering degree from Cairo University before earning a doctorate in the United States.


He has long been active in the Muslim Brotherhood. He was elected to parliament and later became a spokesman for the group.


He was arrested and jailed in 2006 for several months and again briefly at the start of Egypt's pro-democracy protests last year.


【A Call for Equal Rights for Women Farmers】对妇女农民同等权利的呼吁




TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.A new report says if women farmers had the same rights as men, more could be done to reduce world hunger. The report, " Empowering Women in Agriculture," is from the anti-hunger group Bread for the World. Bread for the World says equal access to agricultural resources would help increase food security and economic growth.

Faustine Wabwire is the group's foreign assistance specialist.

FAUSTINE WABMIRE: "Women constituted half of the agricultural labor force in not just Africa, but the developing countries as a whole. And when you think of Africa alone, it's more than sixty percent of the total agricultural labor force being provided by women."

The report says in most countries, women working in rural areas are more likely than men to hold seasonal, part-time and low-wage jobs.

They also receive less pay for the same work.

Ms. Wabwire says women farmers often cannot get seeds, fertilizer, proper tools, credit and, especially, land.

FAUSTINE WABWIRE: "For most of Africa, we have about eighty percent of the population living in rural areas and they subsist on agriculture. Now women make sixty percent of the agricultural labor force and they have no access to resources. So, for example, land is one good example where less than twenty percent of all landholders are women."

This is often because of legal as well as cultural reasons. She says women who have lost their husbands may have no legal rights over their land. The only way to keep the land, she says, is to marry, say, the brother of the dead husband.

FAUSTINE WABWIRE: "So constraints like this are still very prevalent in most African societies and they continue to impede women's ability to fully enjoy their human rights."

However, Ms. Wabwire says women in agriculture are getting more attention these days. For example, Kenya's new constitution gives women the right to own land. But she says there is still a long way to go. Bread for the World is urging the United States government to increase development assistance, or at least not to decrease it.

FAUSTINE WABWIRE: "This assistance through programs such as Feed the Future, which is the U.S. government's agriculture program, is helping to elevate the status of women. It's enabling women to access productive resources such as seeds. They are able to have access toextension services , which will enable them to produce more and contribute to healthy societies."

But Ms. Wabwire says more African governments must recognize the major role that women play in agriculture and elsewhere. The report says, "Putting more income in the hands of women translates into improved child nutrition, health, and education."

Just how much could hunger be reduced if women had equal access to agricultural resources? The report estimates that hunger could be reduced for an extra one hundred to one hundred fifty million people.

And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report. You can find a link to the Bread for the World report at 51voa.com. I'm Jim Tedder.
Faustine Wabwire是该组织的外事援助专家^w;fV6K&K%8(fwt&n)9H
Faustine Wabwire:“不仅在非洲,包括在全部发展中国家中,妇女都占了农业劳动力的一半V7Ttw[J-T38x。就说非洲吧,有60%以上的农业劳动力都是女性g7tdpe0TrC*DK=Gea,o2。”
Faustine Wabwire:“在非洲大多数地区,约有80%的人口居住在农村地区,靠农业为生nRkqba[&Uv,n,T21vErh。如今,妇女占农业劳动力的60%,但她们却无法得到资源82xU0%_6LUh。比如土地就是个很好的例子,只有不到20%的土地拥有者是妇女jAjGQatg*C5。”
Faustine Wabwire:“这类限制在非洲大部分社区很常见,仍将继续阻碍着妇女享有的人权%ySXE@k10~c@。”
FAUSTINE WABWIRE: “诸如美国政府‘哺育未来’这样的农业援助项目,帮助提高了妇女地位,使妇女可以得到诸如种子之类的生产资源7=2)A(,Uo|6d0IXn。她们还能得到延伸服务,从而为健康社会提供创造和贡献ZmTRkiv|R16。”






The place in your heart
主唱是Ronan Hardiman
MV描述:That place in your heart 来自爱尔兰首席配乐大师Ronan Hardiman的专辑《Anthem》,融合了他以之闻名的凯尔特音乐的元素,由Leslie Dowdall担纲女声和声,Leslie Dowdall丝般软润的嗓音与Ronan Hardiman的优美旋律相得益彰, 简洁的伴奏,更突出了Leslie Dowdall 天使般美妙的声线,温柔的声音却是在向大家提出一个千百年来的问题Why can’t we live as one?这是渴望和平的人们在如今战火纷飞的世道对大同世界的一种向往!3fht!32xPcR。为什么大家不能彼此和平相处而要互相伤害?
walk with me 你我一起同行
break some bread here with me 某些利益使你我反目成仇
Enemy 敌人
Why can’t you live with me? 为什么彼此之间不能和平共处?
Who are you? 你是谁?
what did i do to you? 我曾对你做了什么吗?
Wish i knew 但愿我知道
Why can’t i live with you? 为什么彼此之间不能和平共处?
We are all born the same 我们都生于同一片蓝天
Then we separate 然而却要分道扬镖
Then the world falls apart 我们的世界因此而破裂
and blame turns to hate 埋怨也渐渐变为仇恨
we can not contemplate 我们根本无法凝思出
how far apart we are 我们之间的差距有多远
there is always a way 总是有一条路
to that place in your heart. 能通向你心里的某个地方
Hated one 互相仇恨的人
Just put down your gun 只要放下手中的武器
done is done 过去的已经过去了
why can’t we live as one? 为什么我们不能像一家人一样相处?
feel no shame 没有尴尬
the air we breath is the same 因为我们呼吸的是同样的空气
heal the pain 结束痛苦吧
why do we live in vain? 为什么我们要空虚地生活?
We are all born the same 我们生于同一片蓝天
Then we seperate 然而却要分道扬镖
Then the world falls apart 我们的世界因此而破裂
and blame turns to hate 埋怨也渐渐变为仇恨


1.Magnituden.巨大; 重要性
The auditorium is a building of great magnitude.
I hadn't realized the magnitude of the problem.
Stars of the first magnitude are the brightest.
2.rubblen.碎石, 瓦砾
After the earthquake, it took months to clean up the rubble.
地震后, 花了数月才清理完瓦砾1~wi!]r+6DmtT@w+mX
3.Expelvt.驱逐, 赶走, 放逐
They expelled a foreign spy from their country.
把…除名, 把…开除
He was expelled from the club for breaking the rules.
The whale expelled water from his blowhole.
4.tipping pointn 1.卸载点 2.引爆点、临界点、时间窗、价格点、量变到质变的分界点
The tipping point seems to be about 30 per cent.
5.Shattervt.砸碎, 粉碎
The stone shattered the windscreen.
大大扰乱; 毁坏
We were shattered to hear of her sudden death.

  • statusn. 地位,身份,情形,状况
  • vainadj. 徒劳的,无效的,自负的,虚荣的
  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,
  • fertilizern. 肥料
  • intensityn. 强烈,强度
  • deltan. (河流的)三角洲
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • gemn. 宝石,珍品,受到宠爱或评价很高的人,松糕 vt.
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v