日期:2012-05-25 09:33



1.put on 装作
2.pick up 拿起
3.weird 怪异的
4.broke up with 和......分手

Matt:How's Elena doing?
Bonnie:Her mom and dad died. How do you think?She's putting on a good face,but it's only been four months.
Matt:Has she said anything about me?
Bonnie:Oh,no.So not getting in the middle.You pick up the phone and call her.
Matt:I feel weird calling her.She broke up with me.
Bonnie:Give it more time,Matt.
1.So not getting in the middle.别犹豫啦!
Get in the middle of sth.是一个常用俚语,表示“插手某事”或“卷入某事”,如劝别人不要插手与自己无关的事时就可以说It has nothing to do with you. Why are you getting in the middle of their arguments?
Middle意为“中间”,get in the middle 表示“在中间”,卡在中间不是很舒服,向左还是向右是个问题,所以便引申意为“犹豫”。劝别人不要犹豫还可以说成Don't hesitate.
2.She's putting on a good face.她装作没事一样。
受到重大打击却又要装作没事的时候,就可以用这句话来形容。put on在这里表示“假装某种样子”,说别人不开心却装作若无其事也可以用put on a good face。
此外,与put on相关的常用短语还有:
(1)put on a show 假装给别人看
(2)put on airs 摆架子
(3)put on act 装腔作势
3.She broke up with me.她和我分手了。
与某人分手,多用break up with sb.这个句型。如果你觉得和自己的男朋友(或女朋友)不太合适,就可以对他/她说I want to break up with you.
