日期:2012-05-22 06:50





【今日导读】:May 22,2012











【Students riot, set fires in Montreal】学生在蒙特利尔暴动纵火


TEXT:A new ban intended to quell 14 weeks of protests in Montreal appeared to have the opposite effect. Angry students vowed to fight the ban even as riot police moved in. What began as protests over tuitionhikesat local universities is now becoming for many students a matter of civil liberty issue. The new law prohibits groups of more than 25 people from gathering without giving police at least eight hours notice. Over the past several months, students have clashed with police, blocked Montreal's main bridge and set off smoke bombs in the city's subway. Deborah Gembara, Reuters



2.【World leaders focus on leaving Afghanistan】世界领导人聚焦撤离阿富汗


TEXT:Paying tribute to NATO forces killed in Afghanistan as world leaders meet in Chicago to define the path out of the country. President Barack Obama, seen here with NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen, is hosting the two-day Summit which if things go as planned, could pave the way for foreign troops to move to a support role as Afghan forces take over. What this means is that most of the 130,00 NATO troops in the country could be gone by 2014. Doing so withouttriggeringfears of a rush for the exits will be tricky. Obama met with Afghan president Hamid Karzai earlier in the day. U.S. President Barack Obama saying: "There will be hard days ahead, but we're confident that we are on the right track." The president praised the strength of the Afghan people. U.S. President Barack Obama saying: "So long as they are reflecting thatresiliencefor a better future, they will have a friend in the United States of America." Still the message was clear. Afghan President Hamid Karzai saying: "Afghanistan reaffirmed its commitment to the transition process and to the completion of it in 2013 and the completion of the withdrawal of our partners in 2014 so that Afghanistan is no longer a burden on the shoulder of our friends in the international community." French President Francois Hollande has stated he will stick with his campaign pledge to withdraw troops by the end of the year --- a move that Washington fears could prompt others to follow suit Security outside McCormick Place, the site of the summit was high especially in wake of arrests earlier in the week. Police say three men were plotting to attack sites in the city. Deborah Gembara, Reuters.


3. 【One Of World's Fastest Amphibious Cars Now For Sale】全世界最快的水陆两用开始出售


BRIEF:Building an amphibious car has been one of the more vexing challenges for transportation engineers over the years. Some are fast on land and slow in the water. Vice versa on others. It's hard to build a vehicle capable of handling both modes.Over the past six years, designer Marc Witt has built a prototype that can reach speeds of 125 mph on land and 60 mph in the water. The Sea Lion, is in competition with 25 other models to claim the title of the world's fastest vehicle capable of both operations.Now, the Sea Lion can be yours.For the price of $259,900, Witt is selling the Sea Lion on an auto enthusiast website. The vehicle features a Mazda Rotary 13b engine and four-speed transmission.


三《奥巴马每周演讲》选自The White House 白宫
4.【WEEKLY ADDRESS: Congress Must Move Forward, Not Back On Wall Street Reform】奥巴马每周演说:国会必须前进,而不是退回华尔街改革


TEXT:For the past three and a half years, we’ve been fighting our way back from an historic economic crisis – one caused by breathtaking irresponsibility on the part of some on Wall Street who treated our financial system like a casino. Not only did that behavior nearly destroy the financial system – it cost our economy millions of jobs, hurt middle-class families, and left taxpayers holding the bag.
Since then, we’ve recovered taxpayer dollars that were used to stabilize troubled banks. And we’ve put in place Wall Street reform with smarter, tougher, commonsense rules that serve one primary purpose: to prevent a crisis like that from ever happening again. And yet, for the past two years, too many Republicans in Congress and an army of financial industry lobbyists have actually been waging an all-out battle to delay, defund, and dismantle Wall Street reform.
Recently, we’ve seen why we can’t let that happen. We found out that a big mistake at one of our biggest banks resulted in a two billion dollar loss. While that bank can handle a loss of that size, other banks may not have been able to. And without Wall Street reform, we could have found ourselves with the taxpayers once again on the hook for Wall Street’s mistakes.
That’s why it’s so important that Members of Congress stand on the side of reform, not against it; because we can’t afford to go back to an era of weak regulation and little oversight; where excessive risk-taking on Wall Street and a lack of basic oversight in Washington nearly destroyed our economy. We can’t afford to go back to that brand of ‘you’re-on-your-own’ economics. Not after the American people have worked so hard to come back from this crisis.
We’ve got to keep moving forward.
We’ve got to finish the job of implementing this reform and putting these rules in place.
These new rules say that, if you’rea big bank or financial institution, you now have to hold more cash on hand so that if you make a bad decision you pay for it, not the taxpayers.
You have to write out a “living will” that details how you’ll be wound down if you do fail.
The new law takes away big bonuses and paydays from failed CEOs, while giving shareholders a say on executive salaries.
And for the first time in our nation’s history, we have in place a consumer watchdog whose sole job is to look out for working families by protecting them from deceptive and unfair practices.
So unless you run a financial institution whose business model is built on cheating consumers, or making risky bets that could damage the whole economy, you have nothing to fear from Wall Street reform. Yes, it discourages big banks and financial institutions from making risky bets with taxpayer-insured money. And it encourages them to do things that actually help the economy – like extending loans toentrepreneurs with good ideas, to middle-class families who want to buy a home, to students who want to pursue higher education.
That’s what Wall Street reform is all about – making this economy stronger for you. And we’re going to keep working – to recover every job lost to the recession; to build an economy where hard work and responsibility are once again rewarded; to restore an America where everyone has a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules.
I believe the free market is one of the greatest forces for progress in human history; that businesses are the engine of growth; that risk-takers and innovators should be celebrated. But I also believe that at its best, the free market has never been a license to take whatever you want, however you can get it. Alongside our entrepreneurial spirit and rugged individualism, America only prospers when we meet our obligations to one another; and to future generations.
If you agree with me, let your Member of Congress know. Tell them to spend less time working to undermine rules that are there to protect the economy, and spend more time actually working to strengthen the economy. Thanks and have a great weekend.



1.Hike:名词 n..(在乡间)徒步旅行,远足
After the hike to the river the soldiers camped for the night.
〈口〉(数量、花费、价格等)增加, 上升,大幅度提高,猛增
The union demands a 7% wage hike.工会要求提高工资7%kCQPHXAP]~s*@V1UfEpT
vi. 徒步旅行,去…远足,远足
He has been hiking round Scotland for a month.
及物动词 vt.〈口〉提高(价格等),把(价格、税率等)大幅提高
They hiked gas rates.他们提高了煤气价格ABs=)%El5rj#e~!5+#q^
He is quick on the trigger.他能快速地射击I|NiBM#uk~HTosRt-^]
vt.引发, 引起(连锁反应)
The incident triggered an armed clash.
She has shown great resilience to stress.




  • preventv. 预防,防止
  • resiliencen. 适应力,弹性,收缩性
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要
  • handlen. 柄,把手 v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • designern. 设计者
  • withdrawaln. 撤退,退回,取消
  • pursuev. 追捕,追求,继续从事
  • deceptiveadj. 迷惑的,虚伪的,诈欺的
  • withdrawvt. 撤回,取回,撤退 vi. 退回,撤退,走开