小紫带你轻松学美剧(MP3+文本) 第34期
日期:2017-08-24 11:06


Gone girl



She was standing there in the orange glow of the streetlight, in a flimsy sundress, her hair wavy from the humidity. Andie, She rushed through the doorway, her arms splayed to hug me, and I hissed, “Wait, wait!” and shut the door just before she wrapped herself around me. She pressed her cheek against my chest, and I put my hand on her bare back and closed my eyes. I felt a queasy mixture of relief and horror: when you finally stop an itch and realize it’s because you’ve ripped a hole in your skin.

这里说到Nick, 他对婚姻不忠诚,原来她认识了一个情人叫Andie,那么我们可能会想,或许Amy的失踪是不是真的会和Nick有关?Amy失踪的日子里,警察在不断找线索,Andie还敢来找Nick, 所以Nick蛮害怕的。但是最后一句话很奇妙,他说最后皮肤不痒了,原来才意识到自己在皮肤上挖了一个洞。这种感觉是不是蛮可怕的。

Flimsy: NAmE /ˈflɪmzi/ 劣质的,不结实的
Wavy: NAmE /ˈweɪvi/:having curves; not straight
Humidity: NAmE /hjuːˈmɪdəti/
Splay: NAmE /spleɪ/张开
Hiss: NAmE /hɪs/ 生气地低声说
Queasy: NAmE /ˈkwiːzi/:feeling sick; wanting to vomit 恶心的
Itch: NAmE /ɪtʃ/:to have an uncomfortable feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch; to make your skin feel like this
Rip:NAmE /rɪp/:to tear something or to become torn, often suddenly or violently

