Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."
Brad: 大家好,我是Brad
Nick: 今天来讲解,"巧"要怎么去对应英文表达。比如说,你去逛街,遇到一个朋友,也在逛街,你可以会说,好巧啊在这里碰见你。或者说你去吃饭,遇到了一个不认识出名的人,比如说周杰伦。同样的,你也可以说好巧啊,居然在这里看到周董。
Nick: what's up, brad?
Brad: What's up, Nick
Nick: I am so gonna run something by you. I'm so thrilled right now.
Brad: What? What makes you look so happy?
Nick: You know what? I ran into Scarlet Johansson when I was in New York yesterday! I cannot believe it! I mean what are the chances?!
Brad: Oh my gosh is it really? What a coincidence?!
Nick: Yeah it's a small world. I never thought about that. I never thought about meeting a such a celebrity in person in my life.
Brad: You are lucky. Unlike me, I bumped into my ex-girlfriend on campus, I haven't talked to her since we broke up. That was awkward to see her unexpectedly. I mean, what are the odds?
Nick: Oh I'm sorry, I can tell how awkward you were.
Brad: Yeah it was pretty bad. I just can't believe the chances of that happening.
Nick:我们刚刚就是说,遇到某人,我们用非常多的表达方式,我们可以用what are the chances 或者是what a coincidence或者是what are the odds,或者是what a small world,有非常多的方式来表达好巧啊遇到你。这几个都是我们常用的。可能中国学生汇比较熟悉what a coincidence ,单词本身就是巧合的意思。但其实其他方法我们也常用。So this is pretty much it for today's class. I'll see you guy next time, bye.
Brad: Bye everyone