全网最酷美语怎么说:第26期 这件衣服太坑了
日期:2017-04-07 09:49


Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."大家好,我是Nick.
Nick: 今天呢,我们来学一个词,就做坑。这个可以作为一个名词,但是我们今天讲解的是形容词。比如我们说,这件衣服太坑了,在这个情况,坑要怎么说呢?首先这个坑,可以指价格太坑,第二个方面可以指质量太坑,太差的意思。
Nick: So Brad, wanna learn an authentic Chinese phrase?
Brad: Sure, why not?! What is it?
Nick: It's called 坑. It can be used to describe a thing, like the clothes. Say like I bought a jacket online. When I received that thing, I was pissed off, I could say " This jacket is so 坑"
Brad: What do you mean by "坑" here? Is it about the price? Was it too expensive or what?
Nick: It could be one of the possibilities. Yeah. It was like too expensive.
Brad: So it's kinda like what I would say as "being ripped off" here. So坑, Can I translate to "being ripped off'? The example that I have is when I got my jeep/trunk fixed, I paid $500.
Nick: Is it real?
Brad: Yeah, $500 to get "fixed", to get "repaired" but it still being broke! So the $500 just went away. I got totally ripped off, it was "坑"
Nick: Yeah it was super 坑
Nick: Yeah it's a rip off. Plus, saying this jacket is 坑 can mean it has bad quality as well.
Brad: Ok so it's kind of like the word "shoddy". If it was shoddy work, let's say you are
Nick: In that situation, you can always use 坑.
Brad: ok, I got you.
Nick: You can say, like I said, the jacket is so 坑. It can mean the price was so expensive.
Brad: Yeah and it wasn't built well. It was built shoddy.
Nick:那Brad和我刚刚就是说,坑可以说质量和价格。如果是价格,可以说这个是一个rip off. And the other situation 就是说质量,可以用shoddy,说质量很差的意思。也可以指代,翻译称为"坑".So this is pretty much it about this time. I'll see you guys next time. Bye.
Brad: 再见
