Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."大家好,我是Nick.
David: 大家好,我是David
Nick: 今天有些特别,我们来学习一个粗口,脏话。学习这个当然不是为了去使用,主要还是说,当你听到的时候,知道是什么意思。你不能被骂了还以为别人在夸奖你,对吧。那这个词呢,就是,"脑残"。不是好词吧,英文呢,叫retarded. 是一个形容词。今天我们看新嘉宾David是怎么解释的
Nick: Hi, David.
David: Hi, Nick.
Nick: So like what I said, retarded isn't a good word, right?
David: No, it's definitely not. It's a really offensive word that you don't ever wanna use.
Nick: Yeah, you are right. I shouldn't have used this word this afternoon. I was playing league of legends. There was a guy who kept dying and thus affected our whole team. So we lost. I insulted him saying like you are retarded. I feel so terrible now.
David: I don't really play computer games but I do know saying that is not nice. It simply means something that's stupid or they are an idiot. It's a really extreme way of saying that. For example, if you are working on a group project with someone. And they are just having a really hard time understanding the material. And you are just really upset with them. You might call them retarded. But, that's not a good thing to call them. It's really offensive and taking things way too far. So if you really need to, you can say the word "stupid" or call them "an idiot".
Nick: Ok. Yeah I wouldn't use this word. It sounds a little bit too much for them. Same for my game. I feel like I was being mean.
David: Yeah Correct.
Nick: Yeah, I guess I gotta go back to the game and say sorry to that person. That was so terrible, saying that word.
David: Sounds like a good plan. I think you have to. So this is pretty it for this time. I'll see you guys next time, bye
David: bye
Nick: 再补充说明一下,因为这个retarded实在是很cross the line的一个词,非常脏。(智障脑残的意思)所以我建议大家不要去使用这个词。实在要用的话,可以用stupid。尽量不要使用这个词。那再次的再见,bye
David: See ya.