Nick:Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."
Nick:今天我们要讲的是中国老师非常非常常说的一句话叫做,"你们呀下课就消化一下这个知识"。在这里消化知识,就是我们要教给大家的一个内容。在大学啊在高中都经常说,诶你这个这节课很难啊大家课后要复习,课后要看书啊,在抓紧时间消化一下,下节课又有新的内容啊。每次听到这个的课呢我都觉得很悲伤,因为你这个时候需要花很多时间来消化,那这个时候消化我们是叫process the knowledge就是说消化知识,举个具体例子,我今天上生物课,然后老师讲了很多名词我不懂的。那他就会说你们下课后需要去消化一下知识。那这种时候他会怎么说呢:You need some time toprocess the knowledge你需要时间去消化一下这些知识,I know is difficult so that you need some time to process the knowledge需要一些时间去消化。So, like I said before, I'm in a class and the instructor teaches me so many things that I don't know. I need a lot time to review them and to process the knowledge.
Brad:Yeah, process the knowledge. It means that you are thinking about somethings just the moment. It doesn't necessary mean that you are studying. When you say studying, at least in America or pretty much any English-speaking country. It seems like you'll have a desk with maybe a million of books in front of you. At least it's what seems to my case. So, when you are processing the knowledge, it's just in a moment, like right now, I'm processing the knowledge that I have in my head to explain how "process the knowledge" actually translates to. So, it's very in the moment, very brief.
Nick:那Brad刚刚就是说"process the knowledge"就是说非常的一个短暂的时间去复习一下,就是把所有东西你刚刚学到的知识汇合到你的脑子里面,不是说很正经的放很多很多书然后再学习,这个稍微是有些不同的。其实中文是可以一样的理解:我需要时间去学习和我需要时间去消化一下这个知识,还是有一些不同的.需要时间去消化说明你基本上是理解了,所以说你需要更多时间去absorb这个知识。You can use "absorb" and "digest"
Brad:Yeah digest works. Process the knowledge is the most popular.
Nick:Ok, thank you. 就是说你也可以用"absorb" 你也可以用"digest"所消化知识,只是说我们常用这个"process "而已,它和"study"还是有一定的区别。This is pretty much for this class. So, I'll see you guys next time, bye!
Brad: Bye everyone!