Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English". 大家好,我是Nick.
Nick: Today we got a new guest, Vivian. Vivian's gonna help us with today's work–how do say "原来如此"in English. 那我们知道呢"原来如此"在中文是一个非常popular的一个表达,在英文中其实有很多类似的表达。比如说我们可以说"Oh so it is."我们也可以说 "Oh I realized that" 然后加你realized到的一个东西。或者我们也可以说"That's the way it works"这样都可以。那我们先看下Brad和Vivian将带给我们怎样的一个explanation.那下次呢,就可以用英语来阐述这个"原来如此",而不是一想到原来如此就说"oh, so ga",That's not the right way to say it.
Nick: Brad, let's say Jack was my friend before and then he was a party animal. He loves to go to different parties. But recently like last week, it was the mid-term. He didn't show up in all the parties. That was so weird. And then once my friend told me that he was studying for the id-term, I was like, oh so it is! I finally realize that truth that he was studying the mid-term. So how do you express (this)?
Brad: Whenever you have someone who doesn't show up to the parties, your first impression might be, "oh he is being a flake", as we talked about earlier. But when you realize that his attentions are to be a flake, he just wants to be a good student. It is simply put you realize that he just wants to be a good student. We don't really have a phrase or anything for it.
Nick: like I realize that the truth is..
Brad: you realized the truth, of course.
Nick: in the scenario, I could say oh I realize that that person didn't come to the parties because of blah blah blah, he was studying for the midterm.
Vivian: For me personally, I would probably say like oh that's how it is. Because it's when I realized the truth and that's just how I would express it.
Nick: So you would say oh that's how it is. That's another expression of this phrase "原来如此"。那我来总结一下,Vivian她个人会比较喜欢That's how it is就是说原来如此这个直面翻译也是原来如此.Thatis how it is. 我个人呢我是比较喜欢加一个"oh"因为有一种恍然大悟的感觉,就说Oh so it is其实这个直面意思译过来也是原来如此。那Brad他个人是比较喜欢这个直接简单一点说I realize ...比较适合一个详细的情况。比如说我刚刚说我有一个朋友他经常去party, 他是一个party animal, 然后他最近没有去了,然后我有疑问。哦,原来他是复习mid-term复习这个期中考试。那Brad就可能会直接说I realize the truthwhy he didn't come to the party. 就是他会加一些具体的细节在里面。这个就是Brad的方法去表达原来如此。大家应该掌握了吧?"原来如此"有非常多的表达方法,以后再也不要和英语的English speaker说话的时候上来就说"Oh, so ga"这是不对的,这是日语. So this is todays lesson. This is today's lesson, I'll see you guys next time.