Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."
Nick: 那我们今天来讲一个非常Popular的一个phrase,就是临时抱佛脚。我们在中文呢常说,"哎呀这个考试快到了",比如说我16周一个学期,我玩了15周,发现最后一个星期要考试了,我发现我完全不会。那这种时候呢我们可以说:啊,又要临时抱佛脚一下。就是想要在短的时间内,获得一个比较好的成绩,在短的时间内完成某件任务。一般我们把这个叫做临时抱佛脚。在英语中我们就把它叫做"Cram",就像我刚刚说的,一般呢我们是用在考试啊或者项目project上面比较多.In this situation, you can say cram for exams, right?
Brad: Yeah usually since we are college students. We associate cramming with exams. If you say you cram the night before, we are gonna assume you are cramming, doing homework or studying. But let's say you are not a college student. You can still cram. To maybe clean up the house. You can cram to get certain home projects done. So it's no limited to just like academic assignments.
Nick: Sure. But usually people use it for, you know, especially when we are in college, we usually use the word for exams. Like "I crammed for my exams tomorrow." "cramming for exams will work sometimes."
Brad: yeah that's probably the most popular way to use cram as saying you are cramming before the exam.
Nick: It really works actually. I did it a lot of times.
Brad: we do it all the time especially people procrastinate it the night before. Then you have to cram tonight.
Nick: Yeah, you don't sleep. Do you really sleep for that?
Brad: Not really, you just take a bunch of confine, some coffee or some Mountain Dew.
Nick: lol Mountain Dew
Brad: it's a soda, you know.
Nick: Yeah, I know. 那Brad刚刚就说呢,这个cram不仅仅是用在考试上但是一般我们college students是用在考试上,因为它用的次数会比较频繁,就说临时抱佛脚在考试上比较频繁的使用,但是也可以用在一些处理其他事情,比如你清扫自己的房间,比较仓促的清扫自己的房间也可以这么用,只不过这个我们没那么常用而已.这个就是中文的临时抱佛脚的一个表达。So, I hope you guys learned "cram", this phrase. I'll see you guys next time, bye.