口腔临床英语对话(MP3+中英字幕) 第6期:牙科手术(1)
日期:2015-11-28 08:46


Good morning Mrs. Hall. If none of your teeth are bothering you, I'll restore the tooth with the largest cavity.

霍尔太太,早安。 假如你的牙齿不让你难受的话, 那么我就把蛀的最厉害的牙补一补。

This is the tooth that I'll treat today.


It would be best to use a silver amalgam restoration (filling) here.


The cavity is deep so we'd better use a local anesthetic. Is that OK with you?

蛀牙的洞太深了, 还是做局部麻醉好。 你看这样好不好?

Yes, go ahead, if you think that an anesthetic (novocaine) is necessary.

好,要是你认为需要麻醉的话, 就做麻醉吧。

I don't like to have an anesthetic for small cavities.


The sound and vibration of the handpiece (drill) bother me.


What can you do about my chipped front tooth?


That tooth needs a porcelain jacket or a ceramic veneer crown.


I can't put in another silicate (synthetic porcelain) or plastic restoration because it wouldn't be strong enough.

不能用硅酸盐或塑胶补, 因为这样作不到结实。

When a Part of the biting edge of a tooth is lost, a stronger restoration is usually needed.


What type of restoration do you use,Doctor?


Either a gold inlay or a crown.


A crown would look much better.


I don't think that you'd like to have gold showing from a front tooth.


We can start now. It shouldn't hurt. Please tell me if it isn't anesthetized (numb).

我们现在开始吧。不会痛的。 要是没有麻醉好请告诉我。

The decay was very close to the pulp.


What will you do for that?


I'll put a special covering over the deepest Part of the cavity to protect the pulp.


It has calcium hydroxide in it. It will help to protect the pulp from injury.

这东西里面有氢氧化钙, 它可以保护牙髓而不受损害。

When a cavity is as deep as this one is, there's a chance that the pulp will die at some time in the future.

像这棵牙的蛀洞那莫深, 很有可能在将来什莫时候牙髓是会坏死的。

  • restorevt. 恢复,修复,使复原
  • coveringn. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的
  • restorationn. 恢复,归还,复位
  • veneern. 薄木片,饰面,虚饰 vt. 镶盖,胶合,粉饰
  • syntheticadj. 综合的,合成的,人造的 n. 人工制品
  • protectvt. 保护,投保
  • plasticadj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的 n
  • pulpn. 果肉,纸浆,木髓,牙髓,低级刊物 vt. 使成为浆
  • botherv. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心 n. 烦扰,麻烦,焦急
  • amalgamn. 汞合金,混合物