Vote for Ralph 给拉尔夫投票
日期:2015-11-17 11:49
I voted for Ralph Nader.
我投给了拉尔夫·纳德 。
Who in the world is Ralph Nader?
这世上谁是拉尔夫·纳德 。
He's the best man for president.
他是总统的最佳人选 。
Why's that?
He hates corporations.
他讨厌企业 。
Well, most corporations do think only about money.
好吧,大部分企业想到的只有钱 。
He hates Democrats and Republicans.
他讨厌民主党和共和党 。
Well, they do put their party before their country.
好吧,他们确实把政党放在了国家之前 。
He's the only candidate that I trust.
他是我唯一新人的候选人 。
But he didn't have a chance. Nobody voted for him!
但是他没有机会 。没人投票给他!
Sooner or later, voters will wake up.
选民们迟早会觉醒的 。