1. Shrew
泼妇, 悍妇
A woman with a violent, scolding, or nagging temperament; a scold.
Many of you may have heard of, or read William Shakespear's "The Taming of the Shrew." The late Elizabeth Taylor and her two-time husband Richard Burton played the two leading roles in the film version.
2.A nag
责骂不休, 好唠叨的人
Nagging is supposed to be a universal character of women; just don't tell my wife I mentioned it.
3.A harpy
From Greek myth, a ravenous creature with a woman's head and trunk and a bird's wings and claws.
4.A vixen
A vixen is a female fox. Although it usually means a woman with a sharp tongue(牙尖嘴利), it also means a woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious. 好唠叨或坏脾气或坏心眼的女人. In some instances it also means an extremely sexy and sexually active woman.
5.A hag
丑老太婆, 母夜叉
An old woman considered ugly or frightful.
6.A gorgon
蛇发女怪,奇丑无比的女, 丑陋的或令人厌恶的女人
You will have to be pretty ugly to be called a gorgon. In Greek mythology, there were these three ugly sisters--Stheno and Euryale, their immortal sister Medusa--with snakes as hairs. They were so frightful that taking one look at her would turn you into stone. Medulsa was slain by the mythical Greek hero Perseus by using his polished shield as a shield to look for the gorgon.
7.A Delilah
A voluptuous and treacherous woman; temptress
In the Old Testament, Delilah is seductress sent by Philistines to find out where the Isrealite Samson got his superhuman strenth from, and then to deprived him of it. The story is too long to be repeated here. Search the Internet for "Samson and Delilah" or "参孙和大利拉."
pic04(Old 1949 movie. Saw it when it was shown in Hong Kong in the mid-1950s).
8.A bitch
An insulting word for someone, especially a woman, who is rude or cruel. (MacMillan)
A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing. (AHD)
The word bitch is generally used by people for a woman who is mean or haughty. Use of such a word is considered offensive. A woman who has coarse etiquettes is also termed 'bitch'.