I am not a man of hidden talents, but I may be considered as a Jack of all trades. 我虽说不上是一个身怀绝技的人,但也算得上是个万事通。
As if I were an acrobat of some kind.
Artists, performers pay attention to reputation, have great talent, self into character. 艺人的表演注重名气,都身怀绝技,自成品格。
Hope that the personage who carry the incomparable skill become number of at the same time safe adviser of network.
I liked Michael Jordan the best. His extraordinary skill is one thing, but the fact that even his name itself can give off a strong force also makes me jealous.
Young yo-yo enthusiasts like Sterling, with their amazing tricks, are helping to bring back the toy's popularity.
A variety of Chinese and western refreshments served here at this restaurant every day are all carefully prepared by skillful refreshment masters. 本酒店日日供应各色中西点心,全由身怀绝技的点心师为您精心制作。
Best of all, they can talk to the people who do this beautiful work.