日期:2011-01-19 09:49


11. 你愿意参加我们的晚会吗?

错误:Would you like to join our party on Friday?

正确:Would you like to come to our party on Friday night?

Note:join往往是指参加俱乐部或者协会,如:join a health club; join the Communist Party.事实上,常常与party搭配的动词的come 或者go。如go a wild party,或者come to a Christmas Party。

12. 我没有经验。

错误:I have no experience.

正确:I am I don’t know much about that.

Note:I have no experience这句话听起来古里古怪,因为您只需要说:那方面我懂得不多,或者这方面我不在行,就行了。I am not really an expert in this area.

13. 我没有男朋友。

:I have no boyfriend.

正确:I don’t have a boyfriend.

14. 他的身体很健康。

错误:His body is healthy.

正确:He is in good health. / He’s healthy.

15. 价钱很昂贵/便宜。

错误:The price is too expensive/cheap.

正确:The price is too high/ rather low.

16. 我们下了车。

错误:We got off the car.

正确:We got out of the car.

17. 车速快了。

错误:The speed of the car is fast.

正确:The car is speeding. Or “The car is going too fast.”

18. 这个春节你回家吗?

A:Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?

错误回答:是的,我回去。Of course!
正确回答:当然。Sure. / Certainly
Note:以英语为母语的人使用of course的频率要比中国的学生低得多,只有在回答一些众所周知的问题时才说of course。因为of course后面隐含的一句话是“当然我知道啦!难道我是一个傻瓜吗?”因此,of course带有挑衅的意味。在交谈时,用sure或certainly效果会好得多。同时,of course not也具挑衅的意味。正常情况下语气温和的说法是certainly not.

19. 我觉得右手很疼。

错误:I feel very painful in my right hand.

正确:My right hand is very painful. Or “ My right hand hurts(aches).”

20. 他看到她很惊讶。

错误:He looked at her and felt surprised.

正确:He looked at her in surprise.
