实用口语天天学 第16课:笔记本真薄
日期:2011-01-18 09:22


Look! There's even a built-in handle to carry it with.

B: But it's so thin. There's no way that it comes with a CD-ROM.

A: Oh, yes, it does. Look, here it says that the CD-ROM is built-in!

B: What other features are listed?

A: It says that it comes in teal and tangerine.

B: Totally cool colors!

A: And it says that it sleeps.
built-in (a.) 内置的

CD-ROM 为compact disc read-only memory的缩写,即'“CD光驱”

feature (n.) 特点

teal (a.) 蓝绿色

tangerine (a.) 橘色


A: 你看!甚至还附把手让你提着走呢!

B: 可是这台那么薄。一定不可能有光盘机。

A: 噢,有的。你看,这里写着光驱是内置的!

B: 上面还写了哪些特点?

A: 上面说它有蓝绿色和橘色的。

B: 超酷的颜色!

A: 而且上面说它能“休眠”呢。

  • compactn. 合约条约,梳妆粉盒 adj. 紧凑的,紧密的,简洁
  • handlen. 柄,把手 v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭