日期:2010-06-17 09:53



prepare for exam 准备考试

-Tiny, what are you going to do tonight?
-I have to prepare for my coming exam.

review / revise for exam 为考试复习

-What's your plan for this weekend?
-I will spend the weekend reviewing for my exam.

cram / swot for exam 临阵磨枪应付考试

-Shall we go for a walk?
-Sorry, I have to cram for my chemistry exam tomorrow.

worry about the exam 担心考试

-Don't worry about the exam. Just do your best.
-It is easier said than done.(说起来容易做起来难。)

take / sit an exam 参加考试

-Do you have to take an exam in French?
-Yes. Frankly, I don't like French at all.

cheat in exam 考试作弊

-He was caught cheating in the exam again.
-I'm not surprised. He is that kind of person.

pass the exam 通过考试,考试及格

-You've been working hard. You are bound to pass the exam.
-Thanks for your encouragement.

fail the exam 考试没通过,考试不及格

-Did you pass the history exam?
-No, I failed the exam.

do well in an exam 考试考得好

-He did well in his exams.
-Good for him. Has he admitted by Qinghua University?(Good for sb. 恭喜某人,为某人感到高兴)

do badly in an exam 考试考得不好

-She did badly in the exam.
-Don't scold her. She needs encouragement.

  • revisen. 校订,修正,再校稿 v. 校订,修正,校正
  • encouragementn. 鼓励