日期:2010-03-23 14:46


1.When the shock wears off, I think we'll end up good friends. 等他接受了这个事实,我们会成为好朋友的.

Wear off就是"逐渐消失,逐渐减少"的意思.Andrew刚刚得知自己原来有个同父异母的哥哥,感到甚为震惊(shocked)…其实这种事情换了任何人都是一时之间难以接受的,所以这里说是"when the shock wears off",意思就是指等某人不再感到那么震惊的意思.

Wear off: to gradually disappear or stop 逐渐消失;消逝;逐渐停止
The effects of the drug will soon wear off. 这麻醉药品的作用将很快消失.

2.Her flight comes in tomorrow, and I just know the two of you are really gonna hit it off. 她明天飞过来,我知道你们俩一定会相处得非常融洽的.

Hit it off就是"投缘"的意思.

hit it off (with somebody): to have a good friendly relationship with somebody (和某人)投缘
We hit it off straight away. 我们一见如故.

3.And I am gonna see to it that he is treated like one. 我要确保每个人都这么想.

"see to it that..."就是"make sure that..."的意思,确保,务使.

Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon? 你保证今天下午就把传真发出去,行吗?

4.He feels like he's on a losing streak. 他觉得自己总是在失败.

Streak就是中文里"手气,运气"的意思. 而on a losing streak就是指手气不好,手气背,老是输的意思.

a streak of good luck 运气好的一段时间
to hit(= have)a winning streak 碰上顺的时候
a lucky/unlucky streak 运气好╱不好的阶段

5.As you know, the winner gets a big party, and they can invite whoever they want, which could go a long way in helping her fit in.你知道,获胜者将会得到一个庆祝晚会,他们想请谁就能请谁,这对于帮助她融入集体有很大作用.

"go a long way in/towards doing sth:就是对做某事帮助很大的意思.

The new law goes a long way towards solving the problem. 新的法律十分有助于解决这一问题.

  • streakn. 条理,斑纹,倾向,少许,痕迹 v. 加条纹,变成条
  • flightn. 飞行,航班 n. 奇思妙想,一段楼梯 n.