日期:2010-03-16 09:59


See the light=learn and accept the full truth and the situation 明白真相

Hopefully one day she'll see the light and realize that he's all wrong for her. 希望有一天她会看清事实,明白他并不适合她。

Before I got into the accident,I never wore a seat belt.Now that I've seen the light,I wear one all the time. 在出事故之前,我从不系安全带。可既然我已经知道了它的重要性,我就总是戴着它。

When the chips are down 在你最无助,最脆弱的时候

例句 You are always there for me when the chips are down.I know I can always count on you. 每当我最无助的时候,你都在那里默默的支持我。我明白,我可以一直信赖你。

When the chips are down,you have to rely on your family for support. 当你最无助的时候,家是给你支持的地方。

Cute act 小伎俩

I've heard all these excuses before.I'm not falling for your cute act this time.I know you were out last night untill 4am. 你的那些借口我都听够了,我这次不会再被你的小伎俩蒙骗了。我知道你昨晚在外面鬼混,早上4点才回来。

Listen,if you drop the cute act and ask me honestly,I'll tell you the truth. 听着,你要是不耍这些小花招,老老实实地问我的话,我会告诉你实情的。

Dig up the past=bring back attention to old issues or just bad memories. 旧事重提

例句 Every time I see Lily,I get very upset.She's always trying to dig up the past. 我每次见到Lily都会弄得很不愉快。她总想旧事重提。

Let's not dig up the past.I'm sick to fighting about things that happened 10 years ago. 我们别再翻旧账了好么。都过去十年了,现在提起还有什么意思啊。

Be a little fuzzy about/on=neither remember nor understand the details 对……不是很清楚,很明白

例句 I saw the movie Run Lora Run a long time ago.I'm a little fuzzy about what happens in the end. 我很久以前看过“疾走罗拉”这部电影,但是结尾怎么回事有点记不清楚了。

I'm a little fuzzy about the instructions your dad gave me. 你爸爸跟我说的我不太明白。

Get out of the mess 理清头绪 Get into the mess 陷入困境

例句 I don't know how to get out of this mess.It seems that my only options will get me into more trouble. 我真不知道怎么把头绪理清,好像我干什么都会越来越不顺。

How did I get myself into the mess.One minute I'm happy from playing cards,and next I owe 500. 我是怎么陷入这场困境的呢?一开始我还玩得不错,转眼间就亏了500块。

Take one's chance=make a risky decision 碰运气,赌一把

例句 The store closes in half an hour.Let's take our chances and see if we can make it in time. 商店半小时之后就关门了。我们碰碰运气,看能不能及时赶到。

I don't know if we are allowed to ride skateboard here.But let's take our chances and see if we get caught. 我不知道这个地方是否允许玩滑板。不过我们试试看,看能不能被逮到。

Lay sth. on the line=want to sacrifice it in order to accomplish your goal 拿…注,拿…开玩笑,冒险

例句 I was really laying it on the line when I told my coach I couldn't go to the game,because he would kicked me off the team. 跟教练说我不去参加比赛真的是在冒险,因为教练很有可能把我踢出球队。

She was laying it on the line when she bet 5000 on the boxing match. 她用5000块钱去赌拳击,真的是在开玩笑。

Have a word with sb.=want to talk with sb. in private 和某人谈谈

例句 There was a really cute guy at the meeting.I asked to have a word with him so I can get his phone number. 会上有个不错的小伙子。我想给他聊几句,再问问他电话。

I knew I was in big trouble when the teacher asked to have a word with me after class. 老师说下课之后要找我谈话,我知道我要倒霉了。

With all due respect 恕我直言,我冒昧地说一句

例句 I understand what you're saying,but with all due respect I've been studying this topic for a lot longer than you have. 我明白你说的。可是恕我直言,我学这个比你时间长多了。

With all due respect,you're just not ready to take responsibility for the entire project. 我冒昧地说一句,你现在还没这个能力去为整个节目组负责。

Work one's tail off =work very very hard 努力,拼命

例句 I've worked my tail off for this company.You can't fire me now. 我为公司拼命的干活,你不能现在把我炒了。

Mom,I think I deserve a night out.I've worked my tail off to get into Beijing University. 妈妈,我想我今晚可以出去玩的。为了上北大,我已经在很努力的学了。

Get in the middle of 插手……,卷入……

例句 It has nothing to do with you.Why are you getting in the middle of their arguments? 这事跟你一点关系都没有。你干吗搅合到他们的争论中呢?

I started working in a part time for a consulting firm.Now I'm right getting in the middle of this huge deal.I don't understand how my job became so important. 我在一家咨询公司做兼职。现在我正接手一桩大买卖。我不知道我的工作怎么变得这么重要了.

Get lost in 在……迷失自己,陷入……

例句 There's so much have to read.I feel like I'm gonna get lost in the stuff that's not important. 要读的东西太多了。我觉得我要被那些不怎么重要的资料绊住进度了。

It's so bad he got lost in all the excitement.If he had just stayed focused he could've been a great leader. 很遗憾他在荣誉和成绩面前迷失了自己。如果他能保持清醒的话,你会是个伟大的领袖人物。

You bet 当然, 真的, 的确,没错

例句 You bet we’re going to the concert. We just got a great deal on tickets.我们当然要去听音乐会了。我们拿到了几张优惠票。

Can you help with my homework?
You bet. I just took this course last year.

Cut to the chase 说话直截了当

例句 Look, we can go round and round all the afternoon, but we have to make a decision on the investment today. 这样,我们可以整个下午都一直兜圈子,可关于投资问题,我们今天必须做出决定。

You keep going round and round on the subject. Do you want to join the team our not? 你总是在兜圈子。你到底想不想参加进来?
  • sacrificen. 牺牲,供俸,祭品 vt. 牺牲,祭祀,贱卖 vi.
  • concertn. 音乐会,一致,和谐 vt. 制定计划,通过协商达成
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • upsetadj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的 v. 推翻,翻倒,扰乱
  • deservevi. 应该得到 vt. 应受,值得
  • coachn. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱 v
  • lilyadj. 纯白的 n. 百合花
  • accomplishvt. 完成
  • chasen. 追求,狩猎,争取 vt. 追捕,狩猎 vt. 雕刻