loosen up 放松一下
E.g.(1)Brian was really nervous at the beginning of his job interview ,but he loosened up when the boss started talking about basketball .
BRIAN 在面试的最初非常紧张,但当老板开始谈起篮球时他就放松了。
(2)Loosen up !Monica really likes you ,so you have nothing to worry about .
放松点! monica 真得很喜欢你,所以你没什么可担心的。
Has the cat got your tongue ? 你哑巴了?怎么不说话了?
E.g.(1)Why won't you tell me why you got home so late ?Has the cat got your tongue ?
(2)Has the cat got your tongue ?You haven't called me in days !
be flooded with 被……淹没 覆盖
eg. Radio station was flooded with phone calls from people requesting songs. 电台被人们的点歌电话给淹没了。
Eg. Celebrities are often flooded with mail from their fans.
ride out 耐心等待一件事情过去、忍受.....、扛过去
eg. we are gonna have to ride out this rain at the office.
eg. Bob was determined to be a CEO ,even if he had to ride out a few years in low positions at the company.
bob 决心要做一名CEO, 即便他要在这个公司很低的职位上耐心地做上几年。
beat 打败(在体育或游戏项目上)
eg. Jenny beat Tom in that last game of chess.
Jenny 再昨天的国际象棋的比赛上打败了Tom.
eg. Real Madrid beat the Chinese team when they played in Beijing.
keep sb in line 让某人守规矩、别惹麻烦
eg. Don't get out of line at dinner,or you'll be punished.
eg. It's difficult to keep a group of young children in line .
The money's better . 钱会更多
eg. Susan took the new job ,because the money was better than her old one.
susan 找了一份新工作,因为这份工作挣钱比以前那个多。
eg. if you want to work in medicine ,you should become a surgeon because the money's better .
two-bit 二流的
eg. It's a real two-bit hotel. 这真是个二流旅馆。
eg. I've just got some terrible two-bit job. 我只是找了份二流的工作。
out of pocket 没钱
eg. I'm out of pocket until you pay me back .
3. go real easy on sb 对....心软了
eg. we should 've won but we went real easy on the other team.
turn sth inside out 把......查个底朝天
eg. I turned the wardrobe inside out looking for my hat.
eg. You need to turn this problem inside out .
Get to the point . 直入主题、切入正题
eg. It takes a long time for our professor to get to the point.教授花了很长时间才把话切入正题。
eg. I didn't have enough time to get to the point of the speech. 我没有时间讲这个演讲的核心内容了。