日期:2010-01-20 13:51

like hell
1.used for emphasis 非常;极其
She worked like hell for her exams. 她为了考试而拼命复习.
My broken finger hurt like hell. 我的手指骨折,痛得要命.
2used when you are refusing permission or saying that something is not true 绝不;不对
'I'm coming with you.' 'Like hell you are'(= you certainly are not). "我要和你一起去.""你想得真美."

(just) for the hell of it:just for fun; for no real reason 只是闹着玩;没有真正动机
They stole the car just for the hell of it. 他们偷这辆汽车只是为了寻求刺激.

from hell:used to describe a very unpleasant person or thing; the worst that you can imagine 十分讨厌;最坏
They are the neighbours from hell. 这些邻居太可恶了.

get the hell out (of…):to leave a place very quickly 迅速离开
Let's get the hell out of here. 我们马上离开这里吧.

give somebody hell
1.to make life unpleasant for somebody 让某人受罪;使某人不好受
He used to give his mother hell when he was a teenager. 他十几岁时常常给他母亲惹麻烦。
My new shoes are giving me hell(= are hurting me). 我的新鞋磨得我脚疼死了.
2.to shout at or speak angrily to somebody 呵斥;申斥
Dad will give us hell when he sees that mess. 爸爸要是看见那乱糟糟的样子会骂我们的.

to hell and back:used to say that somebody has been through a difficult situation 经历过困境;历劫归来
We'd been to hell and back together and we were still good friends. 我们曾经患难与共,现在依然是好友.

to hell with somebody/something:used to express anger or dislike and to say that you no longer care about somebody/something and will take no notice of them (表示愤怒或厌恶,不再在乎)见鬼去吧,随便
'To hell with him,' she thought, 'I'm leaving.'

not have a snowball's chance in hell (of doing something):to have no chance at all of doing something 根本不可能(做某事)

not have a hope (in hell) (of doing something):to have no chance at all 毫无机会;不抱希望
She doesn't have a hope of winning. 她根本无望取胜.

all hell broke loose:suddenly there was a lot of noise, arguing, fighting or confusion 突然喧闹(或争辩、打斗)起来;顿时乱作一团
There was a loud bang and then all hell broke loose. 一声巨响之后顿时一片混乱.
