When you're having a good time so is everyone else, but if you are not, neither are they. Maybe you've been closed down and haven't had a good time for a while. Get over it and stop spreading bad cheer. Turn it around and spread good energy instead.
When romance is in the air, you'll never know what is possible if you don't make yourself accessible to new opportunities. Get out there and be seen, because you never know where Cupid is hiding. With one little arrow of that impetuous child, your life can change.
Stop focusing on what you have lost and focus on what you want. Until you let go of the past you can't move on, because as real as the past once was, it no longer exists. What's important to you is how you are going to use this day to make your life better.
Today's patience may be well-rewarded in the future. You need to be patient and wait until the iron is hot to strike. No matter how good the idea is, it won't work unless it is presented at the right time. So, keep your eyes open for the prime moment.
Today is a day to focus in on those you love and put off all financial concerns until tomorrow. If you constantly are focused on money, one day you'll look back and all you will see is paper. You need to work, but don't worry about it on the days that you are not working.
You are looking at life differently today. Something has changed and it has altered your entire vantage point. You may have gotten a new job proposal or an opportunity to visit a foreign land. These types of opportunities do no come very often, so choose wisely.
Be careful not to say the wrong thing to the wrong person today. If you can, it would be better to keep your mouth shut, so you don't advertise what you don't know. Sometimes, you can better serve yourself by listening than you can by questioning.
Take a good look around you. Things may not seem quite right, but at least now you can see them for what they are. Today is a day of understanding and knowledge gives you the insight you need to make the right decisions.
If you are looking for a job that better suites your personality, today is the day to go and find it. The right job can make the difference between success and failure, because when you enjoy the job you are doing, it always comes out better.
You're aligned with your planets in relation to business today. Keep your mind on the money and your money on your mind. Pay attention to where the money goes before it gets to you. You may find out that others are making money off of your work.
Your stars are crossed between finance and romance today. Stay focused on the finance and save romance for later. Now, you have to really concentrate on what you are doing. Financial opportunity is here, but you need to make it happen.
Today is a day for family, so take the opportunity to be with yours. Deep bonds that can last a lifetime can be reinforced today, so remember that friends may come and go, but you only get one family. When no one else is there they will be there for you.