诗歌翻译:曹雪芹-《宴海棠赏花诗·其一》 英文译文
日期:2020-08-28 10:13
Plants should put out buds in spring.
Our crab tree’s topsy-turvy.
Of all the wonders of the world,
Ours is the only winter-flowering tree.
(David Hawkes 译)
When plants and trees meet the Spring they ought to put forth their shoots.
The hai-t’ang did not open, waiting for something different.
Among men I know that there are a number of wonderful things.
In the tenth month for flowers to open is only in our family.
(B.S. Bonsall 译)
Crab-apples should burgeon in the spring,
But ours were bare this year.
The world is full of strange phenomena,
Yet only here do winter blooms appear.
(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)