The Scenic Three GorgesCaptured in Their Essence
Li Hairui
The Yangtze River boasts of the fascinating Three Gorges created by MotherNature in all her glory. The Three Gorges consist of grandiose Qutang Gorge,meandering Wu Gorge and heavily-shoaled Xiling Gorge, all saturated insplendid colors. Tucked away among these are three little gorges. All ofthem form a veritable wonderland of clear water with plunging waterfallsand velvety hillsides, often rising to fantastic peaks-beckoning travelersfrom afar.
Today, as part of China's national development, the massive Three-Gorge-Hydroelectric Project is set to become a reality The advertisement of the"Farewell to the Three Gorges" touches the hearts of numerous travelerswho know them, both in China and abroad. Excursionists in increasing num-bers are visiting them to participate in this farewell. Raising the water level by building the dam is not expeaed to decrease the essence of the Gorges' beauty. On the contrary, upon completion of the project, this scenic areawill almost be preserved in its entity.
Nevertheless, visitors' fond memories dwell upon past recollections of thetraditional gorges. With these thoughts in mind, Mr Yang Heyue, an artist,cruised through the Three Gorges four times in succession.
As he lookedeastward with the current of the water, Mr Yang exclaimed enthusiastically,"Keep this fabulous scenery as it is!" Then he donned the tools of his trade-parchment, brush and ink. With earnest emotion, the artist captured today'sThree Gorges on paper.
Yang Heyue was born at the foot of beautiful Yandang Mountain. From hischildhood, nature was his inspiration. During the 60s, he completed his stud-ies at the China University of Art (formerly the Zhejiang College of Art),giving him the rudiments of his artistic skills. In his early years aftergraduation, he took up wood carving, only to abandon it in later years for arelentless pursuit of depicting mountain and water landscapes. Part of hisstudies was comparative art illustration, which enabled him to fuse classicaland contemporary techniques into his own distinct and elegant style. At many exhibitions, his works received wide acclaim and distinguished awards from art collectors and lovers both at home and abroad.
The Three Gorges have always been a popular subject matter for painters,most of whom portrayed only a section or passage. Mr Yang, however, unitedthe panorama of all three gorges contiguously from Baidi Township in thewest to Gezhou Dam in the east, onto one scroll. This is rare and represen-tative of his momentous spirit.
His "Three Gorges" is painted so exquisitely that the interpretation seems to touch the heart of the gorges. Mr Yang's depiction is very unique and detailed,and light appears to radiate from his smoothly flowing brush strokes. Al-though the force of his brush is turbulent and unrestrained, Yang Heyue's paintings have the right touch of color and balance. This work fully expressesthe painter's profound affection for the area.
这幅三峡长卷的装帧也匠心独运。它采取中国传统的“折子”样式,启合自如,折叠起浑然一册,抖开来全幅在目。而其大小,恰似西方游客所喜爱的可以随手插在口袋里的Pocket Book。
The highly decorative binding of the scrollis done in an accordion-like tra-ditional paper-folding technique. When folded, it is a book; unfolded, theentire scene can be viewed.The book is pocket-size and very portable forwestem tourists.
The painter says, "Many artists like to publish coffee-tablebooks, I prefer the beauty, originality and portability of a small, long andelegant scroll at a reasonable price." Special attention has been paid to cur-rent consumer trends in tourism. The artist's intention corresponds with bothChinese and foreign tourists' preference in buying souvenirs. This folding"pocket scroll" has more appeal than a coffee-table book. Thus, beautifuland lofty art is made available to the general public.
As long as this humble "pocket scroll" lives, so shall the beauty of the ThreeGorges.