121. 火药:gunpowder
122. 农历:Lunar Calendar
123. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp
124. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization
125. 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera
126."三个代表" "three represents" theory (The Party should always represent thedevelopment needs of China's advanced social productive forces, always
represent the onward direction of China's advanced culture, and alwaysrepresent the fundamental interests of the largest member of the Chinesepeople.)
127.三个有利于 "three favorables" (whether it promotes the growth of the productive forces in a socialist society, increases the overall strenth of the socialist state and raises the people's living standards
《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
128.三好学生 merit student; three good student(good in study, attitude and health)
129."三讲"教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气) "three emphases" education (to stress
theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct)
129.三角恋爱 love triangle
130.三角债 chain debt
131.三来一补企业 the enterprises that process raw materials on clients' demands,assemble parts for the clients and process according to the clients'samples;or engage in compensation trade.
132.三连冠 three successive championships
126. 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera
127. 秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera
128. 太极拳:Tai Chi
129. 独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child
130. 天坛:Altar of Heaven in Beijing
131. 小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand
132."三个代表" "three represents" theory (The Party should always represent thedevelopment needs of China's advanced social productive forces, always
represent the onward direction of China's advanced culture, and alwaysrepresent the fundamental interests of the largest member of the Chinesepeople.)
133.三个有利于 "three favorables" (whether it promotes the growth of the productive forces in a socialist society, increases the overall strenth of the socialist state and raises the people's living standards
134.《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
135.三好学生 merit student; three good student(good in study, attitude and health)
136."三讲"教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气) "three emphases" education (to stress
theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct)
137.三角恋爱 love triangle
138.三角债 chain debt
139.三来一补企业 the enterprises that process raw materials on clients' demands,assemble parts for the clients and process according to the clients'samples;or engage in compensation trade.
140.融资渠道 financing channels
141. 红双喜:Double Happiness
142. 政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor
143. 春卷:Spring Roll(s)
144. 莲藕:Lotus Root
145. 追星族:Star Struck
146.三民主义 the Three People's Principles (Nationalism, Democracy and the People's Livelihood) put forward by Dr. Sun Yat-sen
147.三十而立 A man should be independent at the age of thirty. / At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself.
148.三通 three direct links of trade, mail, and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits
149.三通一平 "three supplies and one leveling"; supply of water, electricity and road and leveled ground (conditions ready for further economic development)
150.三维电影 three-dimensional movie
151.三 维 动 画 片 three-dimensional animation
151.三无企业 three-no-enterprises (It refers to enterprises with no capital, no plant, and no administrative structure.)
152.三下乡 a program under which officials, doctors, scientist and college students go to the countryside to spread scientific and literacy knowledge and offer medical service to farmers
153.三资企业 three kinds of foreign-invested enterprises or ventures: Sino-foreign joint ventures(中外合资企业), cooperative businesses (中外合作企业) and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises in China(外商独资企业)
154.三字经 three-character scripture
156. 故宫博物院:The Palace Museum
157. 相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue
158. 下岗:Lay off/Laid off
159. 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck
160. 高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education