《人民日报》记者: 总理您好,人民日报社记者提问。最近一轮房地产市场调控,大家都非常关注,中央的决心很大,力度也很大,一些城市的房价已经开始回落。请问总理,住房价格回落到什么程度才算是达到了调控目标?另外,面对经济增速放缓和地方财政压力,楼市调控会不会半途而废?谢谢。
Q: I am from People's Daily. I've seen a new round of housing market regulation withtough measures. How much will the price drop to meet the target of regulation? Will theregulation be abandoned half way due to local governments' interest?
温家宝: 我最近出于一种责任感,把从2003年开始的房地产调控认真地回顾了一下。其实我们在2003年已经提出了6条调控措施,2005年又制定了国八条,2006年又制定了国六条。但是,为什么调控不见成效?群众也在责怪我们,说房价越调越高,政策不出中南海。我听到了感到十分痛心。我觉得房地产市场关系到财政、金融、土地、企业等各项政策,涉及到中央和地方的利益关系,特别是地方从土地出让中获取大量的收入。涉及到金融企业和房地产企业的利益,改革的阻力相当之大。为什么这两年房地产调控在艰难中看到一点曙光?有所进展。首先是我们调控的决心坚定而不动摇;其次,我们抓住了一个抑制投机和投资性需求的要害问题,采取了有针对性的政策措施。
A: I've reviewed the housing markets regulations in recent years. I think this issue deals with therelationship between the interests of China's central government and local governments,especially those of land sellers. It also involves the finance issues and the benefits of manyhousing enterprises. So that's why it is a tough problem. However, we still see improvements inthis aspect, because of the central government's hard determination and effective measures.
China is a big country with more than 1.3 billion people, which is on the way to realizeindustrialization and urbanization. I believe people should have a place to live, but notnecessarily their own apartments. The government will encourage people to rent houses.
Regarding the development of the housing market, I hope it will develop healthy and smoothlyor it will endanger the entire economy. The price should be considered according to people'sincome, invest and proper benefits. What I want to say is that the current price is far beyondthat goal.