Astronomers announced on Monday that they had discovered what many consider the holy grail of their field: ripples in the fabric of space-time that are echoes of the massive expansion of the universe that took place just after the Big Bang.
1. holy grail 圣杯;很常见的一个英语表达;圣杯的传说来自于基督教,传说那是耶酥基督在最后的晚餐中使用的绿柱玉琢制的酒杯,而圣约瑟(joseph of arima thea)则用它来接耶酥基督伤口流出的宝血。
在罗马帝国灭亡后欧洲黑暗时代的亚瑟王的传说中,寻找圣杯则成为骑士们的最高目标。Holy grail在延续千年的传说之后,常常被用来代表众人追求的目标,甚至是最高目标;比喻为伟大成就;
2. ripples in the fabric of space-time 时空涟漪= gravitational waves 引力波
引力波是由密度非常大的恒星等大品质天体运动发生的“时空涟漪”( Ripples in Space-time)。然而,即使是伟大的恒星运动发生的“时空涟漪”也非常微弱,大局部敏锐的探测器基本无奈觉察它。
Astronomers announced that 主干
宾语从句:they had discovered what many consider the holy grail of their field : ripples in the fabric of space-time that are echoes of the massive expansion of the universe that took place just after the Big Bang.
1. 起到引导句子的作用;
2. 充当代词;
Consider 的搭配:consider sth sth,认为某事是什么;consider sb sth,认为某人是什么;
Many Consider A B ;
A= what
B= the holy grail of their field
What= ripples in the fabric of space-time
定语从句:that are echoes of the massive expansion of the universe that took place just after the Big Bang. 修饰ripples
Predicted by Albert Einstein nearly a century ago, the discovery of the ripples, called gravitational waves, would be a crowning achievement in one of the greatest triumphs of the human intellect: an understanding of how the universe began and evolved into the cornucopia of galaxies and stars, nebulae and vast stretches of nearly empty space that constitute the known universe.
crowning achievement 至高无上的成就
Triumph 胜利
nebulae 星云
句子分析:the discovery of the ripples would be a crowning achievement in one of the greatest triumphs of the human intellect主干
called gravitational waves 解释什么叫ripple;
Predicted by Albert Einstein nearly a century ago,状语,