今天句子中的Jeff Bezos就是亚马逊的创始人,这哥们在网上比较著名的一个演讲是在2010年普林斯顿大学的毕业典礼上的演讲,题目叫:we are what we choose,。
Amazon is a global superstore, like Walmart. It’s also a hardware manufacturer, like Apple, and a utility(公共服务公司), like Con Edison(美国著名的电力公司), and a video distributor, like Netflix(世界最大的在线影片租赁服务商,现在开始拍电视了,纸牌屋就是他们拍的。本来想说类似中国的优酷,但是优酷的用户体验太差,广告太多,准备黑他们一下,大家尽量有其他的), and a book publisher, like Random House(兰登书屋,美国一家很大的出版公司,类似中国的外研社), and a production studio, like Paramount(美国的电影公司,帕拉蒙公司,大家应该很熟悉的一个电影片头,一座山,飞一圈星星出来,就是他了), and a literary magazine, like The Paris Review(著名的文学评论杂志,类似中国的文学评论杂志), and a grocery deliverer, like Fresh Direct(全美最大的冷鲜营养餐企业FreshDirect,类似中国的双汇), and someday it might be a package service, like U.P.S.(联合快递,类似中国的顺丰快递) Its founder and chief executive, Jeff Bezos, also owns a major newspaper, the Washington Post.
For Bezos to have seen a bookstore as a means to world domination at the beginning of the Internet age, when there was already a crisis of confidence in the publishing world, in a country not known for its book-crazy public, was a stroke of business genius.
1. strokeof genius
an outstandingly brilliant and original idea
a stroke of business genius.
2. domination 统治,占主导地位
句子主语是:to have seen a bookstore as a means to world domination(这是一个带完成时态的动词不定式短语)
主干就是:( )was a stroke of business genius.
其他成分:状语:For Bezos (这里强调动词不定式动作的发出者)
状语:at the beginning of the Internetage
状语:when there was already a crisis of confidence in the publishing world,
in a country not known for its book-crazy public
参考译文: 在互联网刚兴起的时候,在出版业已经出现信心危机的情况下,在一个并不是由于民众爱书而著名的国家里,Bezos能把书店看做是统治世界的一个手段,这真的是一个非凡的商业创见。
译文欣赏: 在互联网方兴未艾、出版业已现信心危机的时候,面对并不嗜书的美国受众,Bezos能够将书店看作占领世界的踏脚石,的确可以称得上是非凡的商业创见。