日期:2014-04-16 15:36


  The Nature study, conducted by Sriram Sankararaman of Harvard Medical School and his colleagues, looked at the genomes of 1,004 living people of European and Asian descent and compared them with Neanderthal DNA from a 50,000-year-old toe bone found in a Siberian cave, and also with the genomes of 176 west Africans. This latter group, Dr Sankararaman assumed, could have little Neanderthal DNA in them because Neanderthals, as far as can be determined from the fossil record, lived only in Europe and western Asia.

  1.Neanderthal (亦作Neanderthal man)
  尼安德特人(约120,000—35,000年前冰川时期广泛分布于欧洲的已灭 绝人种,前额低斜,眉脊突出,与旧石器时代中期莫斯特燧石文化有 密切关系)
  2.Homo sapiens 第一个词汇可以不记,但是这个词汇必须认识:现代智 人,也就是指我们。Human 其实除了指我们还有我们的好多
  3. genomes 基因组
  4. descent 血统
  European and Asian descent 欧亚血统
  5. fossil record化石记录
  6. looked at 检查,审视
  7. conduct 实施
  8. latter group 后一组
  9. Nature 大写了N就是自然杂志
  10. little 表示否定

  第一句: The Nature study, conducted by Sriram Sankararaman of Harvard Medical School and his colleagues, looked at the genomes of 1,004 living people of European and Asian descent and compared them with Neanderthal DNA from a 50,000-year-old toe bone found in a Siberian cave, and also with the genomes of 176 west Africans.
  主干:The Nature study looked at the genomes …and compared them with …and with… 理清楚并列关系。
  在翻译的时候The Nature study, conducted by Sriram Sankararaman of Harvard Medical School and his colleagues,可以单独成句翻译为:哈佛医学院的Sankararaman博士和他的同事共同完成这项发表在《自然》杂志上的研究。
  第二句: This latter group, Dr Sankararaman assumed, could have little Neanderthal DNA in them because Neanderthals, as far as can be determined from the fossil record, lived only in Europe and western Asia.

  句子解析:重点就在于latter group 的指代,前面出现了两组,一是尼安德特人,二是西非人,;所以指的是西非人。
  句子主干: This latter group could have little Neanderthal DNA in them
  插入语:,Dr Sankararaman assumed,
  原因状语从句:because Neanderthals lived only in Europe and western Asia.(主干)
  , as far as can be determined from the fossil record, ( 状语)


  • assumedadj. 假装的;假定的
  • determinedadj. 坚毅的,下定决心的
  • conductn. 行为,举动,品行 v. 引导,指挥,管理 vt.